Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

“So you aren’t going to tell Luke?” Natalie asked. I nodded my head, while biting my lip. I knew it was wrong. It was so wrong. But, I don’t think I could handle watching his reaction as I told him. Too see his smile turn into a frown, then his eyes move away from mine as he thinks it over. Then he’ll start biting his lip, nearly making it bleed. Then, the sudden realization will hit him. I’m leaving him.

“Don’t you think that’s pretty unfair though?” Simon asked. I looked over at him. He had paused his game on the xbox. We were in Simon’s room, while he played the xbox and me and Natalie sat on his bed. To be honest, I secretly loved his room. It was so well decorated and it had so many things to look at.

“It’s better than seeing him going all depressed before I even leave,” I said.

“Yeah, but-“

“Simon, what are you on about?” Natalie cut Simon off.

“What I am trying to say is, if I was Luke, I would want you to tell me,” Simon said, looking at Natalie. He was wearing his glasses. He normally doesn’t wear his glasses, only when he’s in his room or something like that. Normally, he just wears his contacts.

“Yeah but then you would get all depressed and everything,” Natalie said.

“He’s going to be depressed anyway when Avery leaves,” Simon said. “If you tell him now, then sure he’s going to be depressed but if I was him, I would try and spend as much time with you as possible before you leave.”

“So, you’re saying that Avery should tell him?” Natalie asked.

Simon silently groaned to himself. Natalie wasn’t getting what he was saying. “Let’s say if I was leaving Melbourne and going to Perth, what would you want me to do?” Simon asked.

“Wait, are you being Luke right now and making me pretend I’m Avery, or?” Natalie asked. I couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle as Simon slapped his forehead.

“No, I’m Simon and you’re Natalie. If I, as Simon, was leaving Melbourne and going to Perth, would you, as Natalie, want me to tell you or not tell you?” Simon asked, trying to make it as pacific as possible.

“Oh! I get it now,” Natalie said. “Well, I would want you to tell me, so then we could make the most of our time together.”

“Exactly! That’s what I’ve been trying to say this entire time!” Simon exclaimed.

“So, you’re saying it’s best for me to tell Luke?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes,” Simon said. “It’s what he would want. Trust me. You have a guy’s perspective on this.”

“Oh shut up Simon, you’re one of the biggest pussies out there,” Natalie said, rolling her eyes. I let out a laugh at her choice of language.

“I am not!” Simon argued, looking shocked. This only made me laugh more.

“Seriously? You can’t even hit on a girl in a club and they’re full of sluts who would take you any day! They hit on you for God’s sake and all you do is run away,” Natalie exclaimed, slapping her forehead in frustration.

Simon got a sudden look of shock on his face. I guess he wasn’t expecting her to say that. “I don’t hit on them because I don’t exactly like them in that way,” Simon defended himself.

“You don’t have to like them that way,” Natalie said. “All you do is hit them up with a chat and maybe even get their number.”

“But I don’t want their numbers,” Simon said.

“What do you want then?!” Natalie yelled, falling back on the bed in frustration. I laughed at how dramatic she was being. You could tell she was over exaggerating what she was saying.

“I want the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen in my life. Yet, she just doesn’t realize that,” Simon mumbled, but me and Natalie were still able to hear it.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Simon has a crush? Oh god….please be Natalie. Please me Natalie. “WHO?!” Natalie suddenly yelled, jumping off the bed and onto Simon. She tackled him, making him drop the xbox remote.

“Dear God women! Gentle,” Simon said, fixing himself up and putting his glasses back, which had fallen off.

“Tell me who this girl is!” Natalie yelled, grabbing Simon’s shoulders.

“Why?” Simon asked.

“So I can go hunt her down and give her your number! Maybe now you can get a girlfriend!” Natalie screamed, shaking Simon’s shoulders.

“Why do you have to be so rough?” Simon asked, his voice going up and down from Natalie shaking him.

“Tell me who she is!” Natalie yelled.

“It doesn't even matter, it’s obvious she doesn’t like me back anyway,” Simon said, looking Natalie straight in the eyes.

“ARG! For fuck’s sake, TELL ME! I will make her like you!” Natalie screamed again. I still couldn’t help but laugh. Sometimes…Natalie was very dramatic.

“Maybe I don’t want to tell you,” Simon said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You will tell me,” Natalie warned.

“Maybe,” Simon shrugged his shoulders.

It went silent as Simon and Natalie looked at each other. A playful look was on Simon’s face while Natalie looked Simon dead in the eye. She could also be very serious when she wanted to be. But, for Simon’s sake, I really hope it’s Natalie. They really need to get together. They are legit perfect for each other and yet, Natalie cannot see that. She is completely oblivious.

“You do realize Avery is still here,” Simon said to Natalie, breaking the silence.

“Oh shit, right. I’m sorry you had to see that Avery,” Natalie apologized.

“It’s all good. It was quite…entertaining to watch,” I said, chuckling.

“Entertaining?” Simon asked.

“Yep,” I said, popping the ‘p’.

“Okay, well let’s move on from this topic,” Simon said. “You need to tell Luke.”

“Well then, you get right to the point don’t you,” I replied.

“Oh shut up. Ring him now and tell him you want to meet him,” Simon said.

I looked down at my phone that was beside me. I could pretty much hear it screaming at me saying it wanted me to ring Luke. Oh Dear God. This is really not going to end well. God…Just do it Avery. Grow a pair and do it.

“Well, hurry up. It ain’t going to call Luke itself,” Natalie said.

I gulped before picking up my phone. I looked through the contacts before finally scrolling to Luke’s name. I didn’t let myself think twice about it before I pressed call.

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