Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“What did you want now?” I asked, walking into my Auntie’s office. She had called me to her office over the loud speaker. I don’t understand why she wants me here in her office right this instance anyway, class only had 10 more minutes and then that would be it for the day.

I dropped my ballet bag down next to the floor and walked over taking a seat across from my Auntie’s desk. “I need to talk to you” My Auntie replied, putting her hands on top of her desk, folding them together.

“What’s new?” I said sarcastically.

“I have no patience for your jokes, Miss Johnson”

“It’s Avery. Not, ‘Miss Johnson’” I poked my tongue out, acting childish. My Auntie hated when I acted like this, saying that I were to be mature.

My Auntie glared at me before clearing her throat. “I just got off the phone to your parents”

“My parents? And what did they want? To make me practice even more? To make sure I do nothing with my life? Or did they just ring for a little chat?” I said, using my hands at gestures.

“That is no way to speak about your parents” My Auntie glared at me. “They rang saying that they are flying to Melbourne in a week’s time to see your progress. They want to know how well you’re doing for the musical, seeing at though it’s only a few weeks away. Or have you forgotten about the musical, Avery?”

“Of course I haven’t forgotten about the musical. What have I been doing in class for the past week?” I rolled my eyes. “But, how long are my parents staying?” I knew not to say anything about why my parents are coming because it will only make my Auntie frustrated. It’s best just to accept that they are visiting and only ask how long they are staying. Last time they were here was over 6 months ago and that was because I got my ears pierced. I had gotten my first and seconds, as well as a cartridge on my right ear. They were not pleased.

“They will be staying until the musical, however they will not be here in Melbourne the whole time. They have other business to attend to. So they will be staying for a couple of days and then heading off for about two weeks before coming back” My Auntie answered.

“Joy” I mumbled to myself.

My Auntie, glared at me. Looks like she heard that…. “That is all for today, you are dismissed Miss Johnson”

“It’s Avery” I snarled. I pushed my chair back, making it screech against the floor. I picked up my bag and swung it over one shoulder. I opened the door, walking out and slamming it shut. The walls and curtains on the door shook.

I huffed to myself, making my way to my bedroom. Of course my parents would come because they wanted to see my ‘progress’. Ha! My bet is they have really important business to do and they’re just saying that they are coming just to see me. Just to make them look like good parents. What a load of bullshit!

I pretty much slammed into my door as I opened it. I quickly regretted it as a searing pain shot through my shoulder. I forgot about my bruise. It had died down a lot, but you could still see it. It was now a light green and yellow, a few blue patches where it was worse. My Auntie had found out about my bruise a couple of days ago when I turned up to class on Monday. The next thing I know, I was being questioned in her office if I had been mugged or raped. I told her I had fell, but you could easily tell by the look on her face that she didn’t believe me.

I dropped my bag on the floor, scurrying over to my closet to get some comfortable clothes on. It was only late in the afternoon, but I couldn’t be bothered to do anything this afternoon. I filed through my clothes, settling on pyjama shorts that were blue with pink spots and a bright pink bow on the front, and a batman shirt, that was slightly baggy. I quickly put them on, leaving my hair the way it was. It was already in a neat tight bun. I flopped on my bed, sinking into the mattress.

I didn’t even have time to let out a long breath before I heard tapping coming from my window. Weird. I rolled off my bed, landing with a soft thud. It’s probably just a bird or something. I walked over to the window, unlocking the latch and pulling it open, revealing a face. Luke.

“Luke? What are you doing here?” I asked. I moved away from the window, so Luke could make his way in. He hauled himself through, landing without making any noise.

“I’ve been trying to call you” He said, turning around to face me. I looked at him confusingly but opened the drawer of my bedside table revealing my phone. I switched it on, seeing several missed calls and texts from Luke.

“Sorry, I don’t take it to class with me. I also had to stay late because my Auntie called me to her office” I admitted. I put my phone on top of my bedside table an fell onto my bed, sitting up and leaning against the wall. I patted the spot next to me so Luke could sit down. He did.

“Why’d your Auntie call you to her office?” He asked. He looked around my room, taking everything in I guess. It wasn’t much to look at. My room was as plain as you could get. I noticed there was a backpack lying on the ground next to the window. Luke must’ve bought it.

“She was just telling me my parents are visiting soon” I answered.

“You must be pretty excited to see them”

“Not really. They just create drama every time they come to visit. Anyway, why are you here?”

He looked over to his bag and got off the bed, walking over to it. He unzipped it. “Well, you’ve been busy with dancing and I thought, we need to hang out. So, I came over here and bought” He paused, grabbing out a packet of sour worms and a block of caramel chocolate, as well as a DVD.

“These! I remember you saying that sour worms were your favourite lolly, and well, I thought maybe we could watch a movie together. I would’ve taken you to the cinemas but I remember you saying that your Auntie won’t let you go out on a school night-“

“It’s perfect Luke. I really need a movie night” I smiled. “Plus, you are my favourite human being right now for bringing sour worms”

“Good to know I’m your favourite human being” He chuckled. He hopped back on the bed, bringing the food and the DVD with him. “Do you have a laptop or something we can play the movie on?”

“Yeah, I have my laptop” I said. I moved to the side of the bed, reaching down to grab my laptop that was under the bed slightly. I pulled it up, turning it on and sliding the DVD in. “Mean girls?”

“Yeap” He smiled.

“I think you’re my favourite human being of all time now” I chuckled.

Luke laughed and moved closer to me so he could see the screen of my laptop. The movie came on and I pressed play. I moved the laptop over a little bit so it was on mine and Luke’s lap. I moved closer towards him so it wouldn’t fall over. I felt Luke stiffen a little before relaxing and sliding his arm around my waist. I smiled to myself, laying into his chest. He was warm.

“I have a feeling I’m going to fall asleep during this” I admitted. “You’re really comfy”

“Do I need to stay the night, do I?” Luke paused. “You know, so I can keep you comfortable” He quickly diverted his eyes away from me and blushed.

I laughed slightly. “I think you might have to” I replied. I don’t know how we’ll both be able to fit into my single bed though.

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