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I sighed, loading the last of my sentimental items into the back of my car, much like what Topper did, I was selling my former home. It was hard, definitely, but I knew it was the right choice, I didn't want to stay there, it was too hard, and it was too big for just Topper and I, we both decided we were happy with where we were now, so that's where we'll stay. It was almost Christmas, two more weeks, Topper was beyond excited, I wasn't sure why, I mean I know it's Christmas and all, but I was dreading it. My first Christmas without any of my family, same for him, his mom was all he had.

I shook the depressing thoughts from my head as I pulled into the driveway, Kie waiting outside for me which I thought was odd, it's really cold out, and Topper's home. There's no reason she wouldn't be able to get inside the house. "Kie? What are you doing?" I called as I got out of my car, popping the trunk as I did so, "I'll get it, you have to go over there." She grinned, walking down the steps, pointing to the beach. "What? Why? It's freezing!" I laughed, tugging the sleeves of my sweater down, over my hands. "Trust me, Kenz." She pulled me in for a hug, there was happiness dancing in her eyes, "you're scaring me." I shouted as she ushered me towards the sand, I scanned all over the beach as I walked towards it, spotting my favorite guy standing there with a grin. He was in jeans and a buffalo check jacket, my favorite winter look of his. "What are you doing?" I called over the wind as I approached him, it was a little over cast, and windy, a typical winter day around here. "You'll see." He responded, kissing me gently when I reached him, my nose was undoubtedly pink from the chill in the air, he smiled lovingly at me. "How are you?" He asked, referring to me packing up the last of my dads things, "I'm okay." I whispered, wanting to know why we were out here freezing, I heard some mumbling off in the distance, but I didn't think anything of it, we're not the only ones on the beach. "Good," he paused, he looked nervous, "what do you say I give you your Christmas present early?" He asked. My eyebrows shot up, two weeks early? "This early?" I asked for clarification, he nodded, pushing my hair back as it flew in front of my face. "I mean if you really want to." I shrugged, not thinking too much of it, surely he wanted to make me feel better, that's what I was guessing. I watched, my hands shooting to my mouth as I realized what he was doing, the tears started falling from my eyes as he pulled a box out of his pocket, lowering himself to one knee.

"McKenzie Holmes, you are without a doubt the best thing that's happened to me, I know we're young, but god do I know you're the one for me." He paused, smiling as I already started nodding, "yes, yes!" I laughed through my tears, I saw people moving around out of the corner of my eyes, but I was too focused on what was happening in front of me now. "I haven't even asked yet." Topper chuckled, popping the box open, I allowed him to take my left hand, "I know it's sudden, but I want to be with you, will you marry me?" His words were gentle, I didn't hesitate to nod, dropping down on my knees to be level with him. His head went back in laughter, "I'm supposed to be the one on the ground." He grinned, slipping the ring onto my finger, I looked at in awe before pulling him in for a passionate kiss. I heard cheers from beside us, I looked up, Kie and Sarah stood there, my camera in Sarah's hand and Kie jumping around in circles, "congratulations!" They shouted, I laughed looking at Topper, he had everything planned out. "That's why you were spending so much time with Sarah?" I asked, and he nodded, kissing me again, softly this time, full of love. "That's what I was talking to your dad about on thanksgiving." He whispered, hesitantly, not wanting to ruin the moment, but the fact that he spoke to my dad about this just made me love him even more. "I love you so damn much." I wrapped my arms around his neck, shrieking in surprise when he stood up, bringing my along with him, he spun in a circle, "WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" He cheered, I laughed as he set me down, I was ecstatic, I don't think I've ever been this happy. "Oh!" I gasped when Sarah and Kie practically tackled me in a hug, "oh my god it's even prettier than I remember!" Kie squealed, which was a rare sound from her, "you've seen it?" I couldn't believe how much effort he had put into this. "We helped him pick it out." Sarah piped up, "oh my god." I laughed lightly, they had all been in on this, "do the guys know?" I asked, I was really hoping they didn't because I would love to see their reactions. "Nope."

I couldn't help but get all giddy as we walked towards the chateau, it's been a couple of hours since he asked me, I wanted to have some time just the two of us, but now I was ready to go tell my friends, we were telling Rafe and Kelce tomorrow, w...

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I couldn't help but get all giddy as we walked towards the chateau, it's been a couple of hours since he asked me, I wanted to have some time just the two of us, but now I was ready to go tell my friends, we were telling Rafe and Kelce tomorrow, when Rafe gets back from rehab.

"I think we shouldn't say anything and see if anyone notices the ring." Topper laughed, talking quietly so they didn't overhear us, "sounds like a plan to me." I responded with a smile, opening the door and walking in. "Hello!" I waved with my left hand, purposefully, a string of heys and hellos rang through the room, we found our way to a spot on the small couch, "whatcha up to today?" I asked, Kie and Sarah sat together facing us, hiding their emotions very good. "I want to surf but it's too damn cold." JJ muttered, rolling his eyes, "indeed it is." I agreed, "what about you Pope?" I asked, he looked up from his book, shocking. "What does it look like?" He retorted, he looked me over, his eyes landed on my hand, damn I thought this would've lasted longer. He slammed his book shut, "Kenzie? What is that?" He all but shouted, everyone looking at him like he was crazy, "oh my god!" He jumped up, pushing the hat off of his head, "oh my god." He repeated, staring at us incredulously, "what?" Topper asked nonchalantly. "Are you? Really? Oh my god." John B and JJ have yet to figure out what was happening, Pope couldn't seem to actually say the words. "Pope, please enlighten the rest of the room." I laughed, laying my left hand out on my thigh, "oh my god!" JJ yelped, beginning to freak out like Pope had. "That's what I'm saying!" Pope threw his hands up, "what the fuck guys?" John B stood, coming closer to see what they were freaking out about.

"Holy shit." He mumbled, a smirk coming across his face, "wow, uh congratulations." He added, I was bothered by his reaction, he wasn't very happy, I'll have to talk to him about that. "Kie, why aren't you freaking out?!" JJ called, the girls finally broke, "because we already knew!" The boys went blank, "come on, that's not fair, Kenzie." Pope pouted, I laughed standing and hugging him. "Congratulations." He whispered, he gave me a little squeeze before turning to Topper, "hurt her and your dead." He gave him a pointed look. "If I hurt her you have full permission to kill me." Topper put his hands up in surrender, I laughed at the slight bickering, JJ hugged me tightly, "are you pregnant or some shit?" He asked quietly, I whacked his arm as I pulled away, "no, I'm just in love." I assured him, with an eye roll when he fake gagged. "John B, can we talk?" I asked, looking at him nervously, Sarah sighed, watching as me and her boyfriend walked off. "What's wrong? Why aren't you happy for me?" I spoke as soon as we were on the porch, out of everyone's ear shot. "I am happy for you, but are you sure you want this?" He looked hesitant, I furrowed my brows, nodding slowly. "I'm sure, that's why I said yes." I pointed out, he rolled his eyes at my remark. "I know that, I just mean, like you've been through so much, are you sure you're not just saying yes because you think he's right for you, because he was there during all of this?" I felt a pang in my chest at his words, although I knew where he was coming from, it still hurt to think that he didn't trust what I was doing. "Booker." I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "I love him, with all my heart, he loves me, my family loved him, you guys seem to like him with me, I'm sure this is what I want. Besides it's not like we're going to get married anytime soon, we can be engaged for a while." I reminded him, he nodded, looking out side for a moment. "You're right, congratulations." He pulled me in for a hug, he still seemed hesitant, I knew it was because he didn't want to see me heart broken again, but I was certain that Topper would never be the one to hurt me, not purposefully at least.

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