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It's been exactly three weeks since the day my parents were shot. My dad has been home for five days, he's doing great, considering. I refuse to leave the house, and that is putting a strain on my relationship with Topper, he's being understanding, but I've been so distant. I'm terrified to leave my father alone, because every time I seem to enjoy myself something bad happens to my family. As if he was reading my mind, my phone rang, cutting into the music I had blasting in my room, "hey, Topper." I sighed, whoops. "Well nice to talk to you too." Was his response, I rolled my eyes. "You know I didn't mean it like that." We've been so defensive towards each other lately, and I hate it. It's messing with me even more, he's been the constant in my life through all of this and I'm treating him like shit, but I can't help it, I'm so in the dumps. "I know, baby." He sighed, "did you want to go see a movie? Just get out for a little bit?" He offered gently, I chewed my lip in thought, I want to, I really do, but I'm too scared. "I can't." I lied, I could tell he didn't believe me by the hum he let out. "Okay, can I come see you?" He offered, and that sounded nice, but I couldn't keep the no from falling past my lips. "No, I just want to be alone." I cringed at my words, knowing they hurt him. He understands that sometimes I just need to be alone, but I haven't seen him in person in over a week, and before that it was just him sitting in the hospital with my dad and I, which I was grateful for, but I directed my anger towards someone and unfortunately it was him. "Hey, did you want something to eat?" Pope called, walking into my room, fuck. "Is that Pope?" Topper snapped, "yes but he just came by to see how my dad was-" "okay, Kenzie." He hung up, fan-freaking-tastic. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." Pope apologized, he looked worried that he had just caused a small argument. "It's fine, but I think you should go." I told him truthfully. There really was no way to explain this away, I told my boyfriend that I didn't want anyone here but my best friend was here.

"Kie?" I sighed in relief when she answered the phone, "what's up girl?" She could hear the worry in my tone. "I think I really screwed up with Topper. He called to see if I wanted to go out, I said no, then he asked if he could come here, and I said no, then he heard Pope asking me a question and he got angry and hung up." I rambled, "oh." Was all she said for a moment. "Well, it doesn't sound too good." She couldn't lie to me about it, "why don't you want to see him?" She asked, I could practically see the look on her face. "I do, I'm just so scared to leave my dad alone." I mumbled, it sounded ridiculous, I know. "I get that, but you need to take care of yourself, and if you want this relationship to work out, you need to at least try and explain everything to him." She paused, "and not to sound like a bitch but he probably misses you know, doing the deed." She laughed at her own word choice, I rolled my eyes but I knew she was right, even I missed the intimate touch. "You're right, thank you." I bid her a quick goodbye before hanging up. I changed into something better than pajamas, throwing on some mascara and calling it a day. I went to my dad who was watching tv in the living room, "I'm going to go see Topper for a little bit, is that alright?" I questioned him, he looked away from the screen and smiled. "It's about time." He joked, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before heading out the door.

I pulled up to Topper's house, his mother's car was gone, but I saw Kelce and Rafe's cars outside, great. I shrugged it off and walked into the giant house, "Topper!" I called, I heard noise coming from upstairs, I followed the noise, climbing my way up the staircase, I heard some music playing. "Top-oh Kelce." I sighed when he walked around the corner, his eyes went wide, "uh, Kenzie! What are you doing here?" He questioned, my eyebrows shot up, "I came to apologize to Topper, I was a bit of a bitch to him earlier." I admitted, he nodded slowly, I'm sure he already knew what happened, "where is he?" I asked walking towards the room he came from, also where the music is. "Kenzie I don't think you want to go in there." Kelce tried keeping me back but I refused to let him and I walked in, freezing at the sight in front of me. Rafe had a girl on his lap, he was clearly drunk, but what angered me was the sight of Topper hunched over the table, doing a line of coke. They hadn't seen my yet, I crossed my arms waiting for them to notice me. "Oh shit." Rafe spoke, making Topper look towards me, his eyes went wide. "It's not what it looks like!" He tried rushing over to me, but I put my hand up. "No, don't, it's exactly what it looks like, you're doing coke, why? Because we got in a fight? There's this thing called talking it out, but you're the one who always hangs up the phone!" I rambled, shouting by the time I had finished. "That's exactly the problem, Kenzie! It's always over the fucking phone!" He yelled, he raised a hand to run through his hair and I flinched, the room went silent at my reaction. Kelce took a sharp inward breath when Topper realized what happened. "I would-" "Topper, we need to take a break, I can't-I can't do this right now." I sighed, tears burning my eyes, was I really breaking up with him? "You need space, I need space, I can't be in a relationship like this. I'm sorry." I stood my ground, he inched forward and I walked backwards, "please, just let me go." I whispered before rushing out of the house, tears freely flowing from my eyes. I ran down the steps, nearly tripping but I caught myself. "Kenzie, I'm sorry, I tried to talk him out of it, but you know how he gets." Kelce was rushing after me, "oh please, you're pathetic, you're just trying to stay on my good side, leave me alone!" I shouted opening the door, just as Mrs. Thornton was about to open it. She took in my appearance and her face went blank, I didn't speak to her, just walked past her and into my car. Driving to the first place I thought of, Mr. Heywards shop. I knew Pope was working their this afternoon.

"Kenzie, how are you doing honey?" Mr. Heyward greeted me with a smile but then saw my puffy eyes, "hi, uh, is Pope here?" I asked softly, embarrassed by my actions, he nodded, disappearing for a moment before coming back out with Pope. "Pope." I muttered and he looked at me, a frown coming across his face, "I broke up with Topper." I added, and his arms shot around me, leading me out of the store for more privacy. "I'm so sorry." He sighed, hugging me tighter when I sniffled, "what happened?" He asked, I pulled away to speak, "well I decided to go and see him after this morning, and I got there and Rafe and Kelce were there and I walked in on them doing coke and Topper got mad, and he put his hand up to do something and I flinched." I took a shaky breath, "and then I broke up with him." I cried again, god I am such a mess. "Oh, Kenzie, I'm sorry." All I could think was I'm tired of hearing sorry.

a/n so I didn't think of this until now but this would be like the summer after the show was set, so they'd all be seventeen at least, okay cool.... also apparently I enjoy writing the most depressing stories

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