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I had received a text from Topper, requesting that I dress nicely, he was bringing me to some kooky restaurant, not my ideal date, but getting to see him dressed up was a nice surprise. I was almost done getting ready, the signature little black dress was hanging on my skin, it wasn't too sexy, it wasn't entirely form fitting, just enough to hug my curves in the right places, I swiped the cherry red lipstick over my lips, it matched my shoes almost perfectly. I checked the time, hearing the doorbell ring down stairs, he was exactly on time. "Coming!" I shouted, walking down the grand staircase, my parents were gone for the weekend, they do that often, claiming its for business, but I know sometimes they just want time to themselves. "Oh, wow, you look, amazing." Topper stumbled over his words when I swung the door open, I smiled, "I could say the same about you." I replied in a whisper, he had a button down dress shirt on, tucked into a pair of black slacks that fit him perfectly. "I gotta say, Thornton, you clean up real well, except for this." I muttered, reaching up to fix one piece of hair that wasn't going in the direction of the others. "Thanks." He laughed, our faces only being inches away, "shall we?" He broke me from my thoughts, I could tell he had the same ideas as me. "Uh, yeah." I smiled, grabbing his hand as I shut the door and locked it behind us. He led me down to his Range Rover, shocking me by opening the door for me. "What a gentleman." I teased, tugging my dress down as I climbed in, not wanting it to ride all the way up my thighs. "I try."

"You didn't have to take me to such a nice place." I assured him as we were escorted to the table in the corner, overlooking the water, it was absolutely beautiful as the sun was starting to go down. "Sure I did." He replied quietly, I looked over at him and saw him staring at me, a blush rose to my cheeks. "What?" I tucked a piece of my curled hair behind my ear, "nothing." He smiled, looking down at the menu in front of him. I couldn't help but smile as I looked down, he was making me feel all giddy inside and I couldn't help but wonder if this was payback for being so flirty yesterday in front of his friends. We both ordered our food, having small conversation as we waited, it didn't feel awkward, we kind of just spoke whatever came to mind. "How is it?" Topper asked, glancing up at me, right as I took a bite, I smiled as I chewed making him laugh. "Good, how's yours?" I asked him once I swallowed what was in my mouth, "good." He answered, meeting my eyes for a second before looking back out the window, it was almost completely pitch black out.

I took a step down onto the parking lot, walking alongside Topper. We were only a few steps away from his car when my heel went into a little dip in the concrete, causing my ankle to roll. "Ouch." I hissed as Topper caught me, I looked down and my ankle was already a little swollen, great, I went to lift it and the heel snapped off my shoe. "Okay, hang on." Topper mumbled, pulling his keys out of his pocket, unlocking and opening the car door before scooping me up like it was nothing. He helped me sit in the passenger seat, squatting to look at my ankle, "can you move it?" He asked gently, I moved it side to side, hissing in pain. "Yeah, I think it's just a bad sprain." I sighed, a few tears springing to my eyes as he tried to remove my shoe for me. "Ow, don't please." I whispered, feeling absolutely ridiculous for crying about it. "I have to." He mumbled, slipping the shoe off as quickly as he could while I held back a cry. He took my other shoe off, throwing them in the back seat before turning me to face the front. "Let's get you home."

I was extremely embarrassed as Topper attempted to help me walk up the front steps off my home, "this would just be easier." He mumbled, "what? Oh!" I yelped when he picked my up bridal style, carrying me to the door, I blushed as he set me down gently, holding me steady as I stuck my key in the door. "I've got it from here." I assured him as I basically hopped in the house on one foot, he gave me a look, crossing his arms over his chest. "No you don't, how are you going to get up those stairs?" He pointed to the stair case in front of us, shit. "I'm fine." I spoke again as he entered the house, closing the door behind him, "prove it." He watched me intently as I hobbled to the stairs, I grabbed the railing as tightly as I could, holding in a whimper every time I put weight on my ankle. "Okay, I need help." I practically whispered, turning to him with glossy eyes, how sexy I thought to myself as he wrapped an arm around my waist, I put mine over his shoulders and we slowly made our way up the stairs. I sighed in relief once we reached my room, he led me to my bed, sitting me on the edge of it before rubbing his neck awkwardly. "Um, Top." I caught his attention as he went to leave, I pushed myself up, grabbing the post of my bed frame for stability, "could you unzip me?" I asked softly, I was coincidentally in front of my full length mirror. I watched through it as he walked over to me, he delicately put my hair over my shoulder, his hands ghosting over my neck, I got goosebumps at the touch. He grabbed the zipper in one hand, holding the top of the dress in the other, he slowly pulled the zipper down, meeting my eyes through the mirror. It was such an intimate action, the way he gently released the zipper, forcing himself not to look at my bare back in front of him. He hesitated before turning my head to face his, his hand gently resting on my chin, he leaned down. Our noses brushed together, my breathing hitched as his eyes fluttered shut, mine following as he placed a delicate kiss to my lips. "Goodnight, Kenzie." He whispered pulling away from me, walking out before I could process what had just happened. That simple action was probably the sexiest thing he could've done. I placed my hand over my lips, relishing in the fact that we just kissed, it was a pretty great night after all.

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