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I woke with a yawn, it was early, it was still dark outside, I checked the time on my phone, 6:02 displayed across the phone. I was definitely a morning person, once I was up I was up, unless it was ridiculously early, like before five. I slowly got out of the bed, picking up Topper's discarded shirt and slipping it on to cover my body. I tip toed down the hall, reluctantly pausing to look into the guest room, that would have been a nursery, I gave it a once over, surprisingly not getting as emotional as I thought I would. So I continued, unsure of where I was going, but I slowly made my way down the stairs, flipping the light on as soon as I reached the bottom. I looked around, I was kind of disappointed that I had missed out on really moving my stuff in, I mean it was mostly just clothes and stuff like that, but still. The past few days just felt like a depressing blur to me, but I'm choosing to move past it and focus on the life I'm beginning to build with Topper, so with that in mind I entered the kitchen, deciding to treat him to a full breakfast.

It's been about half an hour since I got up, I was currently in the zone, playing music softly from my phone as I mixed up the eggs, so it's safe to say I was startled when Topper cleared his throat from behind me. "Good morning." His voice was slightly raspy and I bit my lip as I turned to him, "good morning." I responded, smiling as he eyed me in his shirt, "why are you up so early?" He asked, approaching me as he looked at the disaster I've made in the kitchen. "I couldn't go back to sleep." I told him truthfully, placing a chaste kiss to his lips, he was clad in only sweatpants despite the cold weather outside, not that I was complaining. "Let me help." He went to grab the spatula from my hand but I used it to slap his hand away, he yanked it back, "ouch." He muttered, sitting up on the counter, watching me cutely as I continued what I was doing. "You're singing is impeccable." He gave me a fake round of applause, "I know, I should audition for American idol." I joked, winking at him. "Please don't." He broke his character to make sure I wouldn't actually do that. "Rude." I mumbled under my breath, flipping fried egg in the pan, it landed perfectly, right where I wanted it to, "yay." I squeaked out, making him chuckle from his spot on the counter. "I'm so lucky." He spoke suddenly, I glanced to him, seeing him watching with a smile. "We went through this last night, babe. If you're trying to get me into bed again it's not going to work." I teased, he climbed off the counter, wrapping his arms gently around me from behind, "I'm always trying to get you into bed." He smirked, kissing my cheek before resting his chin on my shoulder, watching as I finished up the food.


"Hey!" I laughed when JJ practically tackled me in a hug, "I'm sorry about the baby." He whispered in my hair, I pouted slightly, I didn't want them to be sad about it. "It's alright, JJ." I assured him, gently pulling away, before Pope did the same thing, "can't breath." I muttered dramatically, taking a gasp when he released me. I looked around trying to spot Topper, it was currently a couple days before thanksgiving so we were doing a Friendsgiving. I finally landed my eyes on him and Sarah whispering in the corner, both of them had wide smiles on their face, I felt a tinge if jealousy, he's been a little nervous around me for the past couple of days, it's been two weeks since I moved in. Sarah and John B have also gotten back together, they were both much happier now so when I saw the way Sarah was talking to Topper I was confused. "Kie, what are they doing?" I asked walking up to my best girlfriend, "huh? Oh I'm sure it's nothing." She brushed it off, almost a little too quickly, but as I saw them approaching the group again, I forced my emotions down, let's just enjoy the day. Shockingly, we were at The Wreck, our favorite place to eat, and not just because Kie's parents owned it, the food was amazing. "You alright?" Topper asked, finding his seat beside me, Kie on the other side of me, "yeah I'm fine." I assured him, but I knew he could hear the lie, and I didn't care in this moment. "Well, okay then." Topper muttered under his breath, turning to talk to John B who was beside him, I rolled my eyes, picking at my sleeve as I spoke to the group, having normal chit chat.

I got out of the car as soon as Topper put it in park, the whole drive home was beyond awkward, we had stopped at the grocery store, per my request, I had to buy food for thanksgiving, we were having my dad over. I grabbed as many bags as I could, stomping my way up the porch stairs, he was being so secretive, everything I asked got a one word answer. So it's safe to say I was upset, "Kenzie, what is wrong?" Topper called, carrying the rest of the bags from the car, a large clap of thunder rang out, figures, were fighting so why not have a literal storm surround us. "You're not telling me something." I didn't want to admit that I was jealous or afraid that he might've been doing something with Sarah. "What?" He sounded dumbfounded as he followed me into the kitchen, placing the bags down on the counter. I shook my head as I began putting the food away, "I saw you and Sarah today." I practically whispered but he clearly heard me as I turned to face him and his eyes were wide. "Is something going on? Am I just not what you thought I was? I don't understand why-" "Baby, oh my god, no, it's nothing like that, nothing at all." He assured me, cutting off my rambling, I simply stared at him, this is what guys say, 'it's nothing' but then it's something. "Kenz, you gotta believe me, I love you so much." Topper pleaded, grabbing my shoulders to keep me from moving away, "fine." I sighed, "okay, I believe you." I added, I was still nervous, but I felt the need to believe his words. "I promise you won't regret this." He kissed me gently, leaving me in the kitchen to process his words.

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