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It was midsummers, I was getting ready, thankfully I healed up pretty quick from my surgery, I was lucky, that's what the Doctor said at least. Topper and I have been through so much, in only two months, but I was happy to have him by my side. I don't think I'll ever forget how scared he looked when I woke up, I feel bad that he was so worried but at the same time I was relieved that he was so worried, it meant he cared deeply. "Did you need help?" My mom stuck her head in my room, I was curling my hair, I had already done my makeup, "no, I should be fine." I assured her with a smile, she was referring to getting my dress on, I felt fine, truly like it never happened which I was relieved for. "Just shout if you need me." She walked back out, shutting the door behind her, I smiled at her gesture, going back to my hair. I know she said I didn't have to wear flowers in my hair, but I got a couple of little ones to put in the braid, it was simple but appeased her and every other kook mother. I released my hair, letting it cool before I braided the front back, Topper was texting me, he was dying to see my dress. "You're gonna look so pretty." "I can't wait to take it off you." I laughed at his second message, when he told me he loved me, I wanted to jump his bones right then and there, but I had to wait until my stitches were removed, which they were as of yesterday. "Somebody's eager." I teased him, knowing full well I was eager too, once the party really got going we were going to sneak away to his house, knowing it would be completely empty. I was still nervous, I've never been with a boy in that way. But I knew I was ready, I loved Topper, and there was no reason to wait any longer. "Hell yeah I'm eager, you're the prettiest girl out there." "But like if you change your mind don't be afraid to tell me." He assured me over the messages, a blush rose to my face, "I won't change my mind."


I walked out of the glass doors, facing the back yard were the party was being held mostly, I spotted Topper and his friends, his back was towards me, so I walked up, holding a shushing finger up to the other boys who noticed me. I spotted Kie in the distance and shot her a wave, and Pope as well as they were talking. "Guess who?" I joked to Topper, smiling as he whipped around, he scanned me up and down, he pressed a kiss to my lips, "you look amazing." He whispered pulling away. "Not too bad yourself." I winked, I felt confident, the way he was looking at me was empowering, "you clean up well, boys." I smiled to his little group, "thanks." They muttered at the same time. Toppers arm rested around my waist, "I'm gonna go say hi to Kie and Pope." I mumbled, he gave me a quick squeeze before releasing me, I smiled at him before I walked away, fighting my way through the crowd to find my friends. "Excuse me, sorry." I heard that familiar voice, "JJ?" I was surprised to see him in a waiters uniform, a small bruise to the side of his face. "My dad." He muttered when I gently brushed my fingers across it, I pulled him in for a quick hug, "I'm sorry." I whispered, he shrugged, "it is what it is. I need to get back to work." I was proud of him for working this gig, he needed the money and at least he was getting it properly. "I'm sorry, have you seen my friend Kenzie, she looks kinda like you." Pope joked upon seeing me in my dress. Kie's jaw dropped when she took in my appearance, "okay, girl. I see you." She laughed pulling me in for a hug. "You look good." I complimented her, she smoothed over her dress, "thanks." She smiled, "so how've you been? How do you feel?" She asked, I nodded, "I'm good, it feels so much better now." I assured her, she nodded looking past me and towards Topper. "What about you two?" She smirked, knowing we've said I love you. "We're good." I spoke slowly, she nodded, "you haven't?" She spoke quietly, knowing I didn't want Pope to hear, "no, we couldn't." I motioned to where my appendix once was, she laughed under her breath. "Got it." She nodded, "well he's basically undressing you with his eyes, so you know, maybe go tame your man." I laughed at her words, turning to see Topper watching me, still talking to the guys but clearly his head wasn't in it. "Excuse me." I shot them a quick smile, walking back towards my boyfriend, motioning for him to join me on the dance floor.

"One dance." I whispered in his ear, wrapping my arms around his neck, he wrapped his around my hips, "one." He confirmed, pressing a kiss just below my ear before anyone could see. We swayed to the god awful slow music that was playing, but I wanted this memory, of being able to look into his eyes and feel happy after the hell we've been through. "You really do look amazing in that dress." He mumbled, smiling at me. "Thank you, you're not allowed to rip it." I smirked at him, the song coming to an end, "I'll do my best."

Topper pushed me up against the back of his bedroom door as he shut it, feverishly kissing my lips, like he needed to do it to survive. I rolled my head to the side as he made his way down my neck, slowly backing up towards the bed, hitting it and falling back, bringing me with him. I couldn't help but let out a small moan as he left a red mark on the base of my neck, I could feel him smirk against me, pushing me away to remove his shirt. I turned around, motioning to the zipper on my dress. Zippered dresses are becoming our thing apparently. Much like the night of our first date he slowly pulled it down, but this time he looked as he did so, my barely covered skin revealing itself. He was about to push the fabric off my body, but he stopped, tilting my head to the side, "are you sure?" He met my eyes, I nodded, "I'm sure." And just like that the dress was in a pile on the floor, I turned to face him, my arms wrapping around my body out of instinct. He pulled me in for another kiss, gently moving my arms to the side, "you're beautiful."

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