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It's been two weeks since the funeral, I've had some space to myself, to grieve and breathe. I feel better, it has been good for me to be alone and deal with my thoughts, it still hurts of course, I still think about him everyday, but it's gotten easier. Midsummers is coming up, two more weeks away, and unfortunately I'm being forced to go, the only bright side being is I can stay by Toppers side all night unbothered. I do enjoy getting dressed up, so that is another plus, other wise it's just a cliche rich party, champagne and business talk all night. My mom had me sat waiting in my room, she picked out my dress for midsummers, I was scared to say the least, she's been known to get some odd things, mostly the head piece is what I'm worried about, the floral hair arrangements are not a look for me. I know it sounds odd that she picked a dress for me, if I truly hated it I didn't have to wear it, but she said she saw it and thought of me, so here I am, waiting. The door slowly opened and my mom walked in holding the dress out in front of her, it was beautiful, "oh wow, it's so pretty." I smiled walking over to her, the baby blue color was perfect, and the way it would hang on my body, I knew it would look nice. "So what's the catch? What do I have to wear in my hair?" I questioned, knowing this can't possibly be good, she shrugged. "I don't care if you wear the flowers, I know you don't like them." My mom smiled at my excitement, "than you!" I took the dress from her, pecking her cheek before rushing to try it on. And just like I said, it fit perfectly.

"Just got my dress for midsummers!"

I watched as Topper typed a response,

"can't wait to see you in it."

"Me either, I'll see you in a few hours."

He sent a quick okay and I went back to my business, we were going on a movie date tonight, nothing fancy, just some easy time together. We've been getting closer and closer lately, I think I might even be starting to feel... love. It seems crazy to think that, but we've been through a lot together in a short time, more than most couples go through in the course of a few years. I don't want to be the first one to say it, what if he doesn't feel the same? What if I make a fool of myself by saying I love him? I don't want to end up heartbroken like before.

— Toppers P.O.V —

"Just got my dress for midsummers!"

I read the text from Kenzie, a smile working it's way to my face.

"Can't wait to see you in it."

"Me either, I'll see you in a few hours."

Every time I ended a conversation with her, I wanted to start another, or end it better. I've caught myself naturally wanting to say I love you to her, but then I stop myself, it's too soon. Surely she doesn't feel the same, and I don't want to rush her. "Bro, if you're done daydreaming about your girl can we get back to this?" Rafe snapped me from my thoughts, we were at the golf course blowing off some steam. "Shut up." I muttered, stepping up to the tee and taking my shot. "You're whipped, man." Rafe added, a smug smile to his face, "no-" I stopped myself, "well maybe a little, but it's not a bad thing. I lo-" "are you seriously about to say you fucking love her?" He stopped the words from coming out of my mouth. "Maybe." I looked to him, raising a brow at his reaction. "You know I thought when you started dating it was for show, but now you're saying you love her?" I don't understand why Rafe was so defensive about it, clearly he's seen this coming, he's hung out with us many times, he knows what we're doing is real now. "Yes, I love her." I stated, feeling the need to defend myself. "Pussywhipped." Rafe muttered, "don't say that, what the hell is wrong with you!?" I snapped, he's got no filter. "Wait!" He started laughing, seeing the look on my face, "she still hasn't fucked you?" I rolled my eyes at his word choice. "No, so what? I'm not going to force her to do anything." I explained, he doesn't understand what it's like to be respectful, and he's used to girls throwing themselves on him. "You're a better man than me, Thornton, that's for damn sure."

— Kenzie's P.O.V —

"Have fun!" My mom called as I walked out the door to meet Topper, "we will!" I replied shutting the door behind me, smiling at Topper who was leaning against his car, "hi." He smiled greeting me with a kiss, "hi." I mumbled, I feel so relieved when I'm around him. "Ready?" He opened the door for me, I nodded getting into the car, "what movie are we seeing?" I asked, but he just shook his head, "it's a secret."

"Forrest Gump?!" I grinned like a child, this was my favorite old movie, "they were playing old movies and I saw it, so I knew we had to come." He shrugged, "I've never seen it." I turned to him, my eyes wide. "You've never seen Forrest Gump?" I looked at him, he nodded slowly, "my momma always said life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get." I told him and he just stared at me, holy shit he's never seen it. "You'll see." I sighed dramatically, dragging him along to our seats. This boy I swear.

"Wasn't it amazing?" I questioned as we walked out of the theater, my eyes a little puffy from crying, "yeah, it was pretty good." He admitted, laughing at my puffy eyes. "I-" "Kenzie?" Someone cut him off, we looked up to see Matthew staring at us, awkwardly. "Listen I just wanted to say I'm sorry, about your brother." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thank you." I whispered, "but we should really get going." I added, walking past him with Topper. "What were you saying, babe?" I asked, he was starting to say something before Matthew interrupted us. "Oh, it was nothing." He lied, I could tell he was lying, he wanted to tell me something but now he wouldn't. I stared at him as he looked straight ahead, watching for cars as we walked through the parking lot. I love him, just spit it out, spit it out come on Kenzie. "Topper?" He looked towards me, "yeah, baby?" He could tell something was on my mind. "I'm in-ouch, fuck!" I hissed getting a sharp pain in my right side, "Kenzie?" Topper grabbed my arm as I hunched over in pain, "what's wrong, hey, look at me." He crouched in front of me, forcing me to meet his eyes, "something's wrong, really wrong." I cried, it felt like someone was stabbing me from the inside. "Ow, ow." I whispered trying to take a couple of assisted steps, "shit." He grabbed me, carrying me the rest of the way to the car. "What do you want me to do?" He asked hurriedly, "call my mom, take me to the hospital." I mumbled, this isn't normal pain, something has got to be wrong. "Alright." He looked panicked as he pulled out his phone, running around the car to get in and drive.

"She wants to talk to you." He gave me the phone, we were only a couple minutes from the hospital, "mom!" I cried, still clutching my side, it's just getting worse. "Were you fine until this started?" My mom asked, sounding like she was in her car, "I was nauseous earlier, but I'm on my period so I didn't think it was anything." I admitted, not even caring that Topper was there, he's a big boy, he knows this happens. "Hm, I think it might be your appendix." She muttered, as if she didn't want me to hear her, "what!?" I shrieked as Topper pulled up to the emergency room. Fantastic. A nurse came out with a wheelchair, seeing how I could barely walk. Topper told her what was happening and what my mom said and she agreed, taking me back almost immediately. Then, everything went black.

"Topper, don't worry, honey. She'll be fine, she's just sleeping off the anesthesia." My moms voice rang through my ears, Anesthesia? I tried to talk but my voice was hoarse, it came out like a grumble. "Oh, sweetheart!" My mom rushed over to me as I opened my eyes, Topper was wide eyes staring at me, he looked beyond stressed out. I cleared my throat, "what happened?" I mumbled, my mom laughed, "you got your appendix taken out." She smiled, she was right. "Let me go tell them you're awake." She added, I knew it was really to give Topper and I a minute. He practically flew to my bedside, grabbing my hand in his. "No," he stopped my from trying to talk, "I've been trying to say this all damn day, I love you, Kenzie." I stared at him as he spoke, he began to panic when I didn't speak. "That's what I was trying to say before my appendix decided to try and kill me." I laughed at him, "I love you too, Topper." I assured him, he kissed my forehead, lingering there for a minute, "you scared the crap out of me today."

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