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I jumped at the sound of the doorbell ringing, Topper was out cold beside me, I checked the time, 1:07 I groaned, rolling out of the bed. I grabbed my phone and sillily enough, a golf club on my down the stairs. A girls gotta be prepared, I flipped the light on, adjusting to the sudden brightness, I squinted one eye, looking through the peep hole, sighing in relief when I saw a drunk Rafe. I unlocked the door, giving him a pointed look as he laughed at the golf club I had hanging beside me. "What are you doing here?" I asked, he stumbled in, well okay then, I shut the door, locking it once more before turning to face him. "What's wrong?" My voice was soft when I saw the puffiness of his eyes in the light, "my dad is kicking me out, unless I go to rehab, he caught me doing coke in the kitchen." I sighed at his strangled words. I led him to the couch, making him take a seat, I sat beside him, "I'm sorry, Rafe, but maybe you should." I whispered against my better judgement, surprisingly enough he didn't disagree, he just nodded silently. "I want what you and Topper have." His voice was so low I almost didn't hear him, my heart broke at his words, "you will have that one day, when the timing is right for you. First you have to fix yourself, right?" I spoke reassuringly, he glanced over at me, we were both staring at the blank tv, "right." He muttered. "You can stay here, tonight, the guest room is set up." I told him, standing with a sigh, he followed, stumbling slightly as he walked. "Please don't fall." I cautioned him as he climbed up the steps, his knuckles white from gripping the railing, "I'll do my best." He laughed, I felt my phone buzz in the pocket of my pajama pants, I went to pull it out but getting distracted when Rafe tripped and face planted at the top of the steps. "Kenzie?" Topper called urgently, thinking I had fallen down the steps, the light in our room flicked on and he came running out, "Rafe?" He was confused, seeing me standing there stifling back a laugh as Rafe groaned, cupping his crotch, "told you not to fall." I teased, Topper and I helping him to his feet, "why didn't you wake me up?" Topper asked, slinging Rafe's arm around his shoulder, steadying him as he walked to the guest room. "Because you looked so cute." I answered with a small laugh, "I think I'm gonna be sick." Rafe joked, well at least I thought he was, but when he shoved himself off of Topper and stammered into the bathroom, I grimaced, I guess he wasn't joking. I shared a look with Topper, "gross." I spoke with a yawn, stretching my arms above my head momentarily, "go back to bed, he's my idiot friend, I'll take care of him." Topper placed a kiss to my forehead, ushering me off, I didn't hesitate to oblige.


I stirred, hearing the boys downstairs, playing video games way too loud, I looked out the window, the day after thanksgiving, I had a long weekend off from taking photos, but I had a long weekend ahead of editing and sending them off to my clients, and it was officially Christmas season, which meant I was forcing Topper to decorate with me on his next day off, Sunday, he had work today, but not for a few more hours. I climbed out of the bed, slipping a bra on and a sweater over top, leaving my pajama pants on, I grabbed my phone and my laptop, making my way down the stairs, a sigh coming passed my lips as the boys came into my view, how great, Kelce was here now too. "Good morning!" I called, heading for the kitchen, setting my laptop down to turn it on, I started a pot of coffee. I finally tapped the front of my phone screen, illuminating it and being shocked when I saw multiple missed calls from the hospital, one voicemail. I unlocked the phone hurriedly, pressing play on the voicemail, I chewed the tip of my thumb as it started playing in my ear.

"I'm calling to reach a Miss McKenzie Holmes, my name is Cheryl, I'm calling from Outer Banks General Hospital. I'm not allowed to disclose information over the phone, but this is in regards to Pete Holmes, if you could give me a call back as soon as you get this message."

I instantly dialed the number she left, the boys had no clue what I was up to, they had hardly responded when I said good morning, their backs were too me, I poured out the coffee, as the phone kept ringing and ringing, "ICU desk how may I direct your call?" My eyes went wide at the words, "I'm returning a call from Cheryl, she asked me to call this number." I spoke, shakily mixing my creamer into the cup of coffee. "Miss Holmes?" She verified, I nodded before remembering she couldn't see me, "yes." I muttered, she put me on a hold, the phone ringing once again, I took a shaky sip of my coffee, setting the cup down when Cheryl picked up. "McKenzie?" She asked, I took a seat on the counter, "yes ma'am." I answered, beginning to chew on my thumb again. "Your father Pete had a bit of a fall last night, his nurse brought him in, he's currently in a medically induced comatose state, due to the strain on his lungs." She explained, my mind tried to wrap itself around her words, "his nurse? What are you talking about?" I was trying to remain calm, don't jump to conclusions, "his hospice care nurse, you are aware of the lung cancer diagnosis right?" The world was spinning around me, I took a sharp gasp, "no!" I practically snapped at her, not meaning too. Kelce turned to look at me, being the only one without headphones on, he furrowed his brow as I started waving and pointing at the back of Topper's head, he tapped his shoulder motioning to me. "When he came in for the gun shot wound, they found a mass on his right lung, they biopsied it, it was positive for cancer, stage three." She explained and I instantly clutched my hand to Topper's shoulder when he reached me. He was staring at me confused, trying to figure out why I was silently crying on the phone, "you said hospice care? But that means he's dying!" I whisper shouted, Topper's eyes went wide, "what?" He asked quietly, I waved my hand in a be quiet motion. "Miss Holmes, I think it'd be best if you came down to the hospital to see him." Cheryl spoke softly, I knew that tone, "o-o-okay, I'll be right there." I nodded, hanging up the phone. "Kenzie, what's going on?" Topper asked as I hurriedly got off the counter, now the other two boys were watching the scene unfold in front of them. "My dad." Is all I could spit out as I started rushing up the stairs, Topper following me, "what happened? He was acting weird last night but I didn't think anything of it." Toppers words were rushed as he threw on the first clothes he could find, me doing the same. "He has cancer." I spoke calmly, "he fell last night and-and his hospice nurse brought him to the hospital, and now they have in a medically induced coma, and I'm freaking out." I rambled, sighing as Topper wrapped me up in his arms, "Kenzie, I'm sorry." He couldn't believe the amount of heartache I was facing, neither could I, but the way I was handling it was shocking to both of us, I couldn't cry, not yet.

a/n I know more death, but this situation is very similar to the one I faced with my father and it was a great outlet for me to be able to express emotion through this

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