On The Road Again

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Y/n's Point of View

I walk to my car and grab my pistol from the back. Sarah has a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong? You sad your brother is leaving you?"

Sarah chuckled and handed me my nephew. "No, but you should be packing instead of conceal carrying a pistol to go on a walk."

"Hey, ya never know what the fuck's gonna happen." I kiss baby Y/n's head and hold him up. "Sorry, uncle got a little too into it."

"Take him for a walk, he's bored." Sarah closed the door on me.

I shrug and walk to the park, hoping to find some ice cream for the both of us. Luckily we didn't encounter any trouble on our walk, so we walked back home with little bits of chocolate and vanilla on our faces.

Antonio and Sarah were making out on the couch when the two of us busted in.

"I thought we said no kissy, kissy, smooch, smooch?"

"I thought we said no ice cream for the troublemakers." Sarah shot back. "So, you two had some fun and got ice cream?"

"Yeah? You know why? Cause you're a little loser." I hold an 'L' on my forehead and stick my tongue out. Antonio laughed his ass off at my joke. "See, Antonio thinks it's funny."

Baby Y/n clapped and made his generic baby noises. I tickle his stomach and run up the stairs.

"Stay here and sleep." I set him in his crib and walk to my room. "Because this will a long time til you see me."

I look to the picture of Grace. Her goofy grin tainted me with her beauty.

"I'm coming home, baby."

As if on cue, my phone rang. It was Harry.


"Good afternoon, Y/n. Have you already packed?" Harry greeted.

"Nope, just got back home after taking the little one out for some ice cream." Harry chuckled softly on the line. "What's going on? Shoot me straight."

"One of our newest operators said that you have been compromised. Your information has been leaked out for everyone to see. Currently, all of the electronic working ops are trying to stop it from spreading." The man sighed.

"Well, shit. Tell them all I said thank you. I was just about to pack up and leave, but I-"

Someone knocked at the front door.

"Excuse me for a moment." I walk down to the door and open it. A man with a black suit stood there. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes, we are looking for a man named Y/n." He said. The two lovebirds were already upstairs, so there was no use in letting him in.

"What about it?"

I was handed a paper with the words, "It was you" written on it.

"What the-" the man had a gun pointed at my head. "Harry, I'll call you ba-"

I was thrown down. The man grabbed a syringe and tried to stab me, but I pinned his head with my leg. Antonio and Sarah ran down and gasped.

"Y/n!" Sarah yelled.

"Go! Get out, it's not safe here!" The needle was close to my neck. "Fuck you!"

I managed to stab his arm with the syringe. He stood up and punched me in the stomach. I knee him in the chest and knock him out.

"Get the baby and leave!" I run to my room and grab my guns. One of them were missing. "Sarah, do you have my 1911?"

"No!? What do you mean?" Sarah appeared at the door. I turn to her and shrug. "Y/n, watch out!"

I fall to the ground after I got a blow to the head. Sarah jumped in and shot my shotgun. The man in black fell dead on the floor. Sarah pulls me up and checks on the baby.

I grab my head and push my way out the door. Antonio was moving small bags to their car.

"Shit." I run back in and grab the dead man's pistol. "Sarah, take this. You never had experience with guns as much as I. Seven rounds, I'll give you more."

I grab a case of .45 ACP and give it to my sister. I help out with the few bags that were left, but I took caution after that. Sarah walked out with my nephew, who was crying.

"I'm sorry, bubba. I'm sorry I scared you." I look at Sarah and nod. "You need to go, they're after me. I'm sorry I brought them here, I should've known."

"Y/n, don't be sorry. You never knew what was going to happen. I still love you, brother." Sarah held my shoulder.

"Sarah, let's go!" Antonio called out from the car.

"I love you, too." I kiss both my nephew and Sarah on their heads. "Go. Brother bear is going to be fine. Bye, Sarah, bye, baby Y/n."

Sarah started tearing up. She hugged me and smiled with tears. I wipe them off and make a funny face. Sarah laughed and holstered my 1911.

"You stole my holster, did you?"

"Yeah, I did." She chuckled. "See you later, bro."

"Catch you on the flipside, nerd." I grab my duffel bag of guns and walk to my car. "Don't fail me now, you got so much shit left in you."

I look to my arm, where the phone number of the ex-Marine was still visible. I chuckle and take my phone out to connect. I typed in the number on the car's keypad and wait.

"Hello?" Taylor boomed.

I turn down the volume and take off. "Hey, Taylor. It's Y/n. Uh, yeah, I'm on the move right now, so I can't make out with you."

"Was this all you wanted to talk about?" She asked with sass.

"Nope. I also have a girlfriend again, so, yeah. Well, bye!" I quickly hang up and put my shades on. "Let's get the rock outta here!"

I turn the radio to the hair metal station and raise the volume. "Shout, shout, shout, shout at the devil!" The classic Mötley Crüe song blared.

Multiple cars pulled up next to me and tried to ram my car. I sped up just in time to let them hit each other. I turn off the street and went to the New Mexico - Colorado border.

"Shit." A helicopter shined the search light on me, in the middle of the day. "Fuck!" I look behind me and smiled. "Good luck with that."

I had the trunk unlocked, where I had some paint for my room. The little buckets flew out slowly and made the cars hit each other again. The helicopter was still on my tail, but something was shot at it. I check the gps, where it showed I was near the Schriever Air Force Base.

"I'm this far into Colorado?" I saw the helicopter spin out of control before it hit the mountains.

The cars were still on me, though. The men in black peered out and started firing their guns. I dodge most of them, but one went straight through the window.

"Fucker. This costed ten thousand!" I ram into one and flip it on its side. "What the?" A White Mask appeared from the back seat of the other car. "Gówno! Huh, when did I learn Polish? Right, my dad."

"These fuckers again...." Tom said. "Where are you going?"

"To a place I call home."

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