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3rd Person Point of View

Grace was up bright and early, ready to leave for a mission. She was about to leave for the weapons locker when Y/n woke up. "Hey." He groggily said, rubbing his eyes. "Where are you going?"

"On a mission. I'll see you tonight. Lov-" Grace was cut off by Y/n.

"I'm coming too." He said, lifting himself with his crutches. "I don't wanna be doing nothing all day."

Grace shook her head. "Nope. You're staying, and that's final."

"What are you, my mom? I'm going." Y/n said aggressively.

"I don't want you to get hurt. You are injured, young man." She responded with authority. She left Y/n to think. He brought out a chocolate bar and looked at it. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna bribe Marius." He laughed to himself. A knock on the door pulled him from his plans. "Coming!"

Monika stood at the door. "I talked to Six, you can go. Just hang out with Marius. Don't tell Grace."

"How'd you know that I wanted to go?" He asked with a confused look.

"The walls are thin in some parts. Watch." She explained, walking into the bedroom area.

She put her ear up to the wall and told Y/n to listen. Monika hit the wall and heard a scream. "That's Marius in there." She whispered. Marius knocked on the wall, waiting for an answer. They kept communicating with each other for a few minutes.

"You leave in five. Marius should be there right now. Now go." Monika said , pushing Y/n out of the door, locking it behind her.

"Thanks Monika. I'll see you later." Y/n called back before meeting up with Marius. "Hand me an automatic and a pistol."

"You're coming? I heard Grace arguing with you." He asked, handing Y/n a Scar and a Desert Eagle.

"Yes. We better go, I don't wanna get caught." And with that, Marius and Y/n made their way to the chopper before everyone else did. They sat in the the front, waiting for everyone to hop on.

"We're ready Jäger. Start it up!" Pulse hit the side to show that they're ready.

They fly all the way to a cargo ship in the Atlantic ocean. Y/n kept quiet so Grace can't hear him. Jäger landed on top of the ship, cutting the blades and grabbing his rifle. He looked at Y/n and whispered. "If all hell breaks loose, fly this bitch out of here. I will grab onto the leg."

Y/n nodded and made way for him. "Alright. This should be an in and out mission. We're planting a bomb on this terrorist ship. Let's roll." Marius explained, hopping out of the chopper. Y/n could hear all the comms through the headset on the chopper.

"Tangos on the catwalks above. Fuck em up." Pulse said, receiving a "done" from Glaz.

Y/n saw a glimpse of something shining in a darkened room. "Sniper!" He yelled, hearing the impact of a 7.62x54R Dragunov round hit the glass. Y/n was also connected to the comms, so everyone heard him. Glaz took the sniper out, shooting a round into the sniper's head.

"Y/n! Why are you here!?" Dokkaebi yelled through the comms.

"I didn't want you to get hurt! What do you expect from your boyfriend!?" Y/n asked, shooting through metal, trying to kill someone who shot at him. "It's all my fault, then!"

A terrorist snuck up on him and tried to disarm him. "Y/n, you there!?" Ash said, one of her impact grenades blowing up. Y/n tried to choke the terrorist out, failing when he loses balance.

Y/n punched him in the stomach and regained his balance. Y/n cursed and pull some wrestling moves on the terrorist, making him lose breath. The man died in with a deadly DDT just in time for Jäger to plant the bomb.

"Bomb planted! Run to the chopper!" He called out. Everyone got to the chopper, only to find Y/n missing.

Y/n was fighting another terrorist on the ground when Ash noticed him. She pointed to him and called his name. The terrorist grabbed his pistol and shot Y/n's shoulder. Dokkaebi sprayed at the terrorist with her CZ75 and grabbed Y/n. When he was set on the chopper, another white mask ran up to Pulse and tried to stab him. Y/n killed him with a headshot.

"You can't kill me. You can't kill me." Y/n said in a shaky start.

Y/n passed out and fell in Grace's lap as the ship started exploding. Marius tried to start the chopper, but the engine wouldn't turn on. "Fuck! Brace for impact, keep Y/n in check!" He yelled, the blast getting closer. Then suddenly, the engine started up. The operators and Y/n started to rise in the air.

"How about we play some music?" Marius asked, turning the radio on. 'Some folks are born, made to wave the flag-' The radio sang out Fortunate Son. "That doesn't help this situation." He switched it to one of Y/n's favorite rock anthems, Carry On Wayward Son.

"Carry on my wayward son, there will be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more. Doo doo, doo doo tap." Y/n sang, surprising everyone. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at everyone besides Marius, who was piloting the chopper. Y/n smiled and looked at the shocked faces. "What?"

"Nothing." Jack said, looking out of the chopper's side.

"You idiot! Why didn't you stay at the base?! You could've killed yourself!" Grace yelled in Korean.

"I wanted to make sure you were safe! You can't expect me to do nothing somewhat active! And I wanted to protect you and the team." He replied, also in Korean.

"Whatever, go sit with Marius." Grace angrily said, looking away.

Y/n sat in the front with Marius. "Oh, here you go. I was gonna bribe you until I found out I could come." He said, handing Marius the chocolate bar.

"Thanks. What was that all about?" He asked, opening the package with his teeth.

"Long story. I'll tell you when I get a drink." Y/n rasped, grabbing his shoulder. "Think I fucked up my legs even more."

Marius chuckled lightly. "You need to lay off on physical activity. You're gonna overwork yourself."

"Yeah, you're right. Got a fucking 9mm stuck in my shoulder." Y/n agreed, clutching his shoulder slightly.

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