Here I Go Again

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Mike and I make small talk, but it didn't help that I looked out of the window with nothing on my mind. The airport was about a mile away from us, so we decided to make the best of what I had left in England. We messed around with some people and got brain freeze by slushies before heading my boarding area.

"Mr. L/n?" The worker asked. I sigh and nod. "Your flight is leaving in ten minutes."

"Thank you." I turn to Mike and hug him. "I'm gonna miss you guys."

"We are too. Get on the plane or I'm making you run the track." We laughed and say our goodbyes.

Whitesnake's Here I Go Again came to mind. "Goin' down the only road I've ever known" repeated itself in my head.

This really was happening. I was kicked from Rainbow, I lost my love, I lost my family.

I board the plane and cry a little before falling asleep. Someone put their hand on my shoulder as I was staring out the window. The woman gave me a smile. I smile and look down. I pull Grace's picture and swallow what I had left in my mouth.

"Is that your girlfriend?" The woman asked.

"Was, I got fired and broken up with, just today."

The woman rubbed my back and kissed me. "Maybe you just need to start over again. My name is Melissa."

"Well, Melissa, I don't want to date right now, but thank you for understanding."

She nodded and turned to sleep. I stare back out the window and see a UAV flying by the plane. I saw something glimmer on the ground below, but it didn't seem friendly. Then a bullet ripped past the plane.

I squeeze through and frantically knock on the pilots door. "Yes?" One of them asks.

"There someone shooting at the plane! I saw a bullet graze the plane."

"Got it, thank you." The co-pilot closed the door. "We are making an emergency landing, someone is attempting to strike the plane down."

Everyone started to panic and scream. "Everyone calm down! I will sacrifice myself so you have a nice and peaceful flight." I walk to the door again and open it. "Parachute."

They handed me one and closed the door. I slide forward as they were diving down.

"Does anyone conceal carry?" An off duty officer raised his pistol. "Can I use it?"

"Go ahead." He said.

I grab it and walk to the back of the plane. The cargo hold opened slowly. Another bullet ripped past the tail. "We're ready for drop off." One of the pilots say.

"God, I hope it isn't Rainbow, I'm not in the mood."

"To the brave soul going to help, your flight has been covered and your luggage will be at the JFK International Airport." The pilot called out. "Good luck."

I drop myself off the plane and dive to the west. Once again, a bullet past me on my descent. I pull my chute and dodge the barrage of lead.

I soon reach the ground, but someone shot my arm. "Fucker!" I shoot the whole magazine into, you guessed it, the White Mask's head and grab his stuff.

I put his armor on and grab his AUG. I spot the sniper scope pointing in my direction. The rifle made a monstrous roar when it hit the ground.

A helicopter flew down and took the enemies out. Out came my former team, Rainbow Six. Grace ran to me and tried to hug me, but I stopped her.

"Nope, we broke up, remember?" She pouted and stood back.

"Y/n, please come back." She pleaded.

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