Sex Is Better Than Love

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"Aye Mo, what you up to ma?" Trey said over the phone.

After we had sex the other day, I woke up and he was gone. He called me later that day and said that we needed to talk, but I've been trying to avoid talking about what happened. I might as well talk to him because I can't keep making up these dumb excuses that I know he doesn't believe.

"Nothing, I was helping Sidney pack the rest of her stuff." I answered. She finally decided to move in with August by the way.

"I'm on my way over." He said, hanging up. He was probably expecting me to turn down his offer to talk again.

"Okay Mo, this is the last box." Sidney said, poking out her lip like she was about to cry. "I'm going to miss you." She said. This time her lip quivered.

"Awh, don't cry boo. You're just moving a few minutes away, not across the country." I said, laughing. She eventually joined in on my laugh.

"You right. I'm still going to come back and visit." She said.

"You know you're welcome anytime Sid." I said, smiling.

"We're flying to Cali next week to go get my stuff. You're coming right?" She asked.

"We as in who?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just me and Aug." She laughed.

"Yeah, I'll come." I said. Even though I'm going to be the third wheel.

"Okay. Bye Mo, call me later." She said. We hugged and she left.

I went back upstairs and decided to put on some clothes because me being me, I was walking around in my panties and a tank top. I don't know why, but I love being naked now. Anyways, I put on some black spandex shorts and a white T-shirt. I also put on my Scooby doo bedroom shoes.

I pulled out some pink fingernail polish and painted my nails. As soon as they were finished drying, the door bell rang. I closed the nail polish and went to go open the door.

"Hey." I said, stepping aside so he could come in.

"Wassup." He said, staring at me.

"So what do we need to talk about?" I asked.

"You know exactly what we need to talk about Mo." He said. I let out a deep sigh because I really don't want to talk about this.

"What about it Trey?" I said.

"I want you in so many different ways Mo, more than just sex. I want you to be my girl and I know you feel the same way so how about you stop fighting that shit." He said.

"I was just caught up in the moment. It didn't mean anything to me." I said, turning away from him. I walked away from and went to the kitchen, but he followed me.

"So you telling me, you didn't feel anything?" He asked.

"I didn't Trey. I'm just sexually attracted to you, nothing more and nothing less." I explained.

"Look me in my eyes and say it then Monique." He said.

"No, I want you to leave." I said, pointing towards the door.

"Look me in my eyes and say you don't have feelings for me Monique." He said, coming closer to me. He put both of his hands on both sides of the counter, so I was trapped.

"It doesn't matter if I have feelings for you or not, ain't Unique your girl?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Why did you have to bring her up? She ain't important and I don't want her, I want you." He said. He grabbed my hips and started kissing on my neck.

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