Grit Ball

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I woke up the next morning still laying on the floor and my whole body was in so much pain. I limped to the bathroom in pain and when I looked in the mirror, I was horrified at what I saw. My once glowing caramel skin was now pale and a dim yellowish color. My brown eyes that were once filled with happiness were now bloodshot red and my left one was swollen. My full lips were swollen and busted. I also had a bright red bruise on my right cheek. I can't believe Brandon did this to me.

After a long and very painful shower, I changed into some comfortable clothes and crawled into bed. I dozed off into a deep sleep..

I was awakened a few hours later by the vibration of my phone. I looked at it to see it was a text from August.

Text Convo-

Bro: Aye sis, you coming over to chill today?

Me: Nah, not today. I'm tired.

Bro: My boy trey wore that ass out?

Me: Stfu -.- your taco bean head having ass.

Bro: Mo you really wanna go there with me right now, through text messages? Shut your throat looking ass, boat looking ass, dirty ass sock big toe looking ass up lil girl.

Me: LMFAOOO! Bye August.

Bro: Lol, alright I'll talk to ya later ma.

-End of text convo

August would be the one to make me laugh at one of my lowest point in life. I slowly crawled out of bed and went to the living room. It's 8:27am. Brandon is at work, but he should be home in about two minutes. Yes, I have his schedule down packed.

As soon as the clock hit 8:29am, I heard keys jingling in the door. The door opened, followed by Brandon coming in with his brief case. He sat his brief case by the door, then glanced at me and walked to the kitchen. When he came back to the living room, he had a slightly disappointed look on his face.

"Mo, why didn't you cook breakfast?" He asked. I just ignored him and walked to our room and of course he followed me.

"Look, yesterday was a mistake but get over it. I'm hungry as hell so get in the kitchen and make breakfast." He said in a demanding tone. I rolled my eyes and continued to ignore him.

Before I could count to three, Brandon was on top of me and his hand was once again wrapped around my neck.

"Bitch didn't you hear me talking to you?" He asked. "I SAID I'M FUCKING HUNGRY! FIX ME SOME PANCAKES, EGGS, GRITS, AND BACON!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, directly in my ear. "Do you hear me now?" He said.

"Yes Brandon, I hear you. I'll make you breakfast just please get off of me." I choked out. His grip finally loosened as he slid off of me.

"By the time I get out the shower, my meal better be ready." He said. I just nodded my head and quickly went into the kitchen.

I started on his breakfast, but as soon as I heard the shower running, I turned the stove down to simmer. I went over to his brief case and decided to look through it. I always ask him where he works at, but he just brushes me off or answers my question with another question. I was shocked at what I found.

A bottle of schizophrenia pills, a small baggie of what I'm assuming is crack because it was white and another baggie labeled 'molly' with 5 pills in it. I can't believe this motherfucker. Not only is he schizophreniac, but he's also on drugs. Lord knows what he does while he's gone, supposedly 'working.'

I heard the water in the shower turn off and I quickly closed his brief case and went back to the kitchen. I finished up the breakfast and waited for him to come in the kitchen. He wore a white t-shirt and some basketball shorts. His chocolate brown eyes were bloodshot red, just like mine were earlier. As I was stirring the grits, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

" know I love you right?" He mumbled.

"Yes, I know." I said in a calm tone. An idea came to my mind and I was definitely going to go through with it.

"Good and I also don't like hurting you. I just got a little bit upset when you came home with those hickies on your neck." He said, rubbing my neck where his handprint was.

"It's okay baby, I forgive you. Are you ready to eat?" I asked.

"Yes." He said with a smile.

"Go sit down and I'll bring you your plate." I said, grabbing the handle of the pot the grits were in. He nodded and walked towards the table, but I stopped him. "Brandon?"

"Yeah?" He said, turning around.

"Fuck you." I said and I threw the big pot of grits on him. He let out an ear splitting scream, but that didn't stop me from what I did next. I started beating his ass with the pot, hitting him as hard as I could. I took off the promise ring he gave me and threw it at him. It was cheap any way, I'm surprised my finger hasn't turned green yet. He was on the ground, whimpering and calling me all types of bitches.

I picked up the pot and stood over him. "Get some help, sick bastard." I said and then I hit him one last time, knocking him unconscious like he did me last night. I grabbed the keys to my all white 2015 audi and quickly left out the house after I packed a couple of clothes in a duffle bag.

I quickly drove to August's house because he's always been there for me and I'm sure he'll be here for me now. I had tears streaming down my face as I walked towards the door. I knocked and waited impatiently for someone to answer.

I expected August to open the door, but Trey did. He was shirtless in a pair of grey sweatpants. I didn't even care at this point though, I immediately fell into his arms. I could tell he was confused but I'm guessing he decided to ask questions later cause he carried me upstairs to the guest room we slept in the other night.

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