Where Do We Stand?

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1 Month Later

"Trey stop!" I screamed, laughing as he tickled me. I felt my face turning red and my my oxygen was running out.

"Say it then." He said, smirking. I knew he wasn't going to stop unless I said what he wanted me to say.

"Trey is the sexiest man alive and he has the best dick ever." I said. He finally stopped and laughed at me.

"Just cause I said it doesn't mean it's true." I mumbled. I really don't know if it's true. I mean, he's the only guy I've ever had sex with besides Chris. But Chris had NOTHING on Trey and that's a fact.

"Speak up ma." He said. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to start cooking dinner. I decided to make some grilled chicken breasts with a side of steamed broccoli and corn on the cob. I'm not really hungry but I know Trey and August will be, so I'm just going to go ahead and cook.

Me and Trey have been staying with August for the past month, but Aug doesn't mind. He actually wants he to stay cause he claims he gets "lonely" when he's here by himself. That's bullshit to me, August brings home a different girl every night.

Half way threw dinner, August came in the kitchen.

"What'chu in hea' cooking Mo?" He asked.

After I told him what I was making, he had a completely disgusted look on his face.

"Whea' da hell is da fried foods Mo?" He asked.

"That's to unhealthy August." I said, laughing.

"Nigga. Ya' square head ass haven't let us eat nothin' fried for da past month." He said. "We are BLACK people, in otha' words people of color! We don't eat dat grilled shit. I'm also from New Awlin's, you think we eat steamed veggies and grilled chicken down dere?" He asked.

"No but-" He interrupted.

"But nothin'. Tomorra' night I expect some soul food dat us colored people will enjoy, unda'stand heffa?" He said.

"Okay dang." I said, laughing.

He left out the kitchen while I finished up dinner. I fixed their plates and drinks, then sat them on the table. I called then down for dinner and they dug in. For Aug not to want any grilled foods, he sure is smashing. I shook my head and went upstairs to me and Trey's room.

I logged into my laptop and started looking for houses. Yes, I'm looking for a house. I love staying with Aug but I'd rather be on my own. I don't know if Trey is moving with me, but he's more than welcome to.

I honestly don't even know where we stand at this point. We sleep in the same bed every night, we have sex on a regular basis, and we refer to eachother as 'baby' most of the time. We even use the 'L' word. I guess we're together but we don't really have a title. I'll ask him about it when he's finished eating.

As if on que, Trey walked through the door.

"That was good as hell baby." He said, pecking my lips. See what I mean?

"Thanks. I have a question though." I said, shutting my laptop and turning my attention towards him.

"What's up babygirl?" He said, slipping off his shirt which left him in his basketball shorts. It's really hard to talk to him while all that sexiness is right in my face, but oh well I'll get over it.

"Where do we stand?" I asked.

"Um..well right now we're sitting but when we stand, we stand on the floor." He said with a raised eyebrow.

"No, like relationship wise fool." I said, hitting his chest playfully.

"You're mine and I'm yours, you know that ma." He said, pulling me on his lap.

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