The Get Together Part 2

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After we all ate, we just sat around and talked. Unique and Trey were all booed up like they were that time at the club. I can't be mad, I told Trey I wanted to be friends so that's what we are. Every one was cuddled up with their significant other except for me and Mijo.

I still can't believe Michael has a girlfriend. I deleted his number out of my phone. I think I need to set my standards higher, cause every time I come in contact with a man something is always there to fuck it up.

"Well, we're about to head out. It was nice meeting y'all." Michael said, getting up.

"Alright bye." I said dryly. Him, Honey, and Mijo all left.

I walked upstairs to my room so I could change. I feel like a dumbass cause I dressed up for him and he brought his girlfriend. I put on some pink athletic shorts and a white cami. I didn't bother putting on any shoes, so I put on a pair of footies I grabbed some weed I had stashed and some rolling papers. I also grabbed a blunt, a lighter, and my phone. I have never in my life smoked nor have I ever rolled a blunt.

"I'll be sitting on the porch if y'all need me." I said, leaving out the front door.

Chris and Bridgette came outside laughing with each other.

"What are you doing?" They asked in unison.

"Nothing." I answered. They looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Well bye Mo. We had fun." Bridgette said. Her and Chris went to her car and got in. They waved at me then pulled off.

I sat in a chair and pulled my phone out. I went to YouTube and looked up how to roll a blunt. I followed step by step until finally, I had a perfectly rolled blunt. I lit it and took a long drag. Damn I needed this. I kept coughing during my first few hits, but after a while, I got the hang of it.

A few minutes into my blunt, Unique stormed out the house like she had a attitude. She got in her car and was about to pull off but after a while, Trey came out to. He went to her window. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but I could hear what she was saying. (Unique in MM)

"I seen you staring at her Trey....her ass to! you like her....I just don't get it, what does she have that I don't?.....I was here first though! know what Trey, fuck you!" She said, speeding off. I chuckled and finished up my blunt. Damn, I feel good. Trey sighed and walked back towards my house. He grabbed a chair and sat beside me on the porch.

"Monique." He said.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Are you high?" He asked.

"No." I said, laughing.

"Yes you are ma. Come on." He said, grabbing my hand. We walked in the house to see Sidney and August cuddled up on the couch.

"We're about to head out. I'm staying with August tonight Mo." Sidney said, getting up and stretching.

"Take him with you." I said, pointing at Trey.

"She's high y'all." Trey said, laughing which caused Sidney and August to join in. I laughed to, but not at Trey. I was laughing cause they all have weird laughs.

"Take care of her Trey." Sidney said with a smirk as her and August left out the front door.

I went up to my room and stripped out of my clothes. Forgetting Trey was here, I was walking around in a pink push-up bra and a pink thong.

I walked down stairs and to the refrigerator cause I had the munchies. I grabbed some hot cheetos, a Brisk and some Scooby Doo fruit snacks. I went to the front room and started watching TV while eating my snacks.

"Aye Mo-"

"Shhhh, my favorite part is coming on!" I said. I was watching the little mermaid and it was on the part when she got her voice back. I laughed at Ursula as Ariel's voice came back to her.

"Okay, now what were you saying?" I said when the movie went on a commercial break.

"Don't you think you should put on some clothes?" He asked.

"Why? I'm comfortable." I said, laughing.

"Yeah but-"

"If you don't like it, then get the hell out." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Believe me, I do like it ma. But its hard for me to talk to you when you teasing the fuck out of me." He said, causing me to bust out laughing again.

"I'm not teasing you, I'm just being myself." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"How about we talk in the morning.." He said.

"Okay." I said, turning my attention back to the TV. I finished eating and before I knew it, I was in a deep sleep.

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