The Grand Escape

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You had woken up at 3:30 in the morning you felt his arm wrapped around you. His arms were wrapped around your little waist. His touch disgusted you as you hated him for raping and kidnapping you.

This gave you determination to escape him.

Looking around the quiet room you saw a bobby pin and you had long enough arms to grab it. His grip on you wasn't to tight so you got out of his hold.

You sat up and observed the room you had been forced to stay in for so long. It was plain with a dull version of f/c. You scanned around a little more before looking at the chain on your ankle.

You were cuffed to the bed by your ankles. This was to prevent you from leaving however the chain was long enough to go to the bathroom.

You rolled your eyes and you tried to unlock yourself from the chain. You heared a quite snore come from you "husband."

You ignored it and then finally you heared the most amazing noise ever. *click*

You smiled while taking the chain off. You looked back at the man who kidnapped you and gave him the bird.

You then got up quietly but the bed made a little squeak. You cursed in your mind but the man only rolled the other way.

You let out a quiet breath of relief and got off the bed. You saw the clothes he had on the nightstand for you tomorrow and put them on.

You didn't want to run butt naked now do you? After you put them on you quickly and quietly made your way to the door. The floorboards would make little creakes but the man didn't seem to wake up.

You quietly opened the door and saw the hallway. You went out of the room and gently closed the door behind you.

Once you did you went to the window right next to the door at the end of the hallway. You gently unlock it with the key you had found a week ago.

It successfully unlocked and you opened the window up. You shivered at the breeze that entered the house.

The wind was slightly breezing in the quiet house. You wasted no more time and went out. You grabbed the very sturdy branch and came out. You made your way to the tree and used it to jump into the pile of leaves you had there.

You felt the leaves crunch under you but you played no attention to the noise. You got up and started to run to the forest.

You knew that all the neighbors were also yanderes so their was no point to ask for help.

You ran as fast as you could through the thick and dark forest. You gained several cuts from branches and bruises from falling.

You however didn't care since you knew in the matter of seconds the man would be after you.

The only thing you had was adrenaline and determination helping you. You heard your name being called frantically by a Male's voice.

This made you run faster but then you remembered your friend that was insane. You ran in the direction of his house you saw a tree that made you know where to go.

You saw a two story house in the distance and frantically knocked on it. A man opened the door and saw you. He immediately hugged you and pulled you into his house while closing he door.

He asked you why you were gone and if you were okay. You explained everything and he was pissed. He grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned your wounds and bandaged them up.

You heard the male call you name while pounding on your friends door. You quietly went up stairs and hid in the closet.

Your friend attacked the man and tried to kill him. The man fought back but was defeated as your friend teleported him to hell.

You came out of the closet that had a skeleton in it and hugged your insane friend. They took you back to your house that they had paid to keep for you.

You ran to your house and immediately went to your room and put pajamas on.

You looked at you belly and sighed. How were you going to explain this to your baby.

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