yandere slenderman x reader part 2

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Now you might be asking why I made a part 2 well a friend of mine Little_Fart and I were chatting and some how we made this. So I decided to make a more detailed version of our conversation.

The reader was currently doing a very stupid dance in front of slender and his brothers. Offender looked at slendy.

Slendy then mumbled " N o t  a g a i n "

The reader proceeded to act stupid.

'He better not touch her or I'm gonna-'

Splendor then proceeds to boop the reader.

Slender who was currently in the corner of room raging with anger thought ' how dare he touch what's m i n e'

Trender noticing slender looking pissed holds him back while saying shhhhhhhh.

The reader had saw this and dicided to get slender pissed off and booped splendor back.

Offenderman was laughing at slenders actions.

Slender looks at offender clearly pissed off.

"I.will.kill.y o u"

Trender still holding slendy back.

"No shshhshshshhshhh"

The brothers not realizing splendor and the reader had taken off. Kept fighting.

The reader and splendor were currently in a hole in the wall giggling at their actions. Splendor had brought popcorn as well.

It was clear that slender was losing his cool. Trendy was still trying to calm him down and offender just looked like he was enjoying this.

The reader deciding to try and escalate the situation ran out of the hidie hole and went over to offender and poked him. After doing this the reader booked it back to the hole.

When they came back they saw slender on top of offender. Trender not wanting to get hurt used his tendrils or tentacles to hold slender back.

Slender was currently yelling curses at offender while try to punch him.

Splendor not seeing his brother this mad before told the reader to try and calm him down. After some convincing the reader reluctantly got up and went to try to calm slender down.

They knew slender would be pissed at them when they get home so to try and avoid a punishment pecked slender before running away.

Slender not understanding what just happened froze.

Slenderman.exe stopped working*

A voice said in your head. You shrugged it off and watched what happened next.

Trender taking advantage of the still shocked slender dragged him off offender who booked it.

Splendy and the reader laughed in a way that said " we didnt d i e  i don't know how but we didn't"

Then out of nowhere offender came and smacked the reader butt causing them to squeak. Slender who had some how say all this started to fight with offender again.

Once the fight was over slender who was victorious came over and 'kissed' you.(more like headbutt but whatever)

Offender who saw this decided to say "I have lips-"

Trendy who didn't want them to fight again yeeted offender while repeatedly saying no no no non no.

Splendy was just in the corner confused.

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