Chapter 16:

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MUSIC: Blonde Rebellion - The Pretty Reckless

Aaron above^

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Ryan's P.O.V:

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"That was stupid, really, really stupid Amelia. Did you see the size of him? He was like a-"

"Like the size of a crane? I know, how was sticking up for Derek a bad idea exactly?" She asked as we walked down the street. Derek was trailing behind us on his phone.

"I don't understand your brain sometimes! How was that a bad idea? It was a bad idea because he could have punched you in the face Amelia! Or pushed you or, or-"

"Ryan, enough! I'm not weak okay! I can handle a little argument with a fat dickhead thank you  very much! I think I know myself well enough to know when to pick my battles, unlike you." She gritted out angrily and I sighed in frustration. Derek looked up at me and shot me a warning look but I ignored him.

"No Amelia. You are not weak. Everyone in the damn country knows that! But you are short tempered and take your anger out on people who do not deserve it then you run. You run away from your problems when people are trying to help you get through them! When will you realise that violence doesn't solve everything? When will you realise that you pull people in and when they get to close to you you push them away and run, all because they are trying to help you and protect you!" I ranted and she carried on walking. Her hands clenched and un-clenched repeatedly and I swallowed. She was angry but I didn't really care at that moment in time because I was angry too.  I was angry because she couldn't see that I was only trying to protect her and work her out. I saw Derek back away when Amelia suddenly stopped and turned away. 

"Look Ryan, you don't know anything about me! Nothing at all!" She shouted at me and panted.  "No, I don't let people in, but neither do you Ryan! I have my reasons just like i'm sure you have yours but it is not your place to assume things about me. I have my reasons for pushing people away because I'm not perfect. And neither are you, or Derek, or Aaron, or Jimmy or Tommy or anyone! But there is one thing I will tell you about me Ryan! And that is that I never run away from my problems. And if I do, that's because they're so serious that not only is there a possibility that I could get hurt, there's a possibility that everyone else could too. I know that people are probably considered perfect put against me but I'm not! And I know this Ryan. I do. But I can't do anything about it because no one lets me in either. You don't let me in either, Ryan. And I'm sorry but trust breeds trust and unfortunately for you, mine is harder to earn. So please, for your own sake, don't start having a go at me for things i'm still learning to control when you're in he exact same position." She finished and I glared at her; I was really, really angry now.

"Don't you dare bring the guys into this." I snarled at her and she smirked at me.

"I'll bring who I want into this." 

"No you won't because you have no right! No right to talk about them like that when you don't know jack shit about them or their pasts. Don't bring other's into this because you're just trying to change the subject!" I exclaimed and she glared at me. I laughed slightly at her. She was playing a game and I had cracked the code. She wanted to play. She wanted to battle, but the thing she didn't realise was that i'd win. I'd always win when it came to her. 

She sent one last glare at me before she started to storm off.

"That's right Amelia! Run! Leave! Go! Run away from your problems like you always do!" I shouted after her and she just flipped me her middle finger without looking back.  I smirked at her back. She had created a game she didn't even realise she was playing.

And she was sure to lose.


By the time Derek had caught up to me after the argument he slapped me around the head.

"What the fu-" I went to swear but he cut me off.

"Amelia and personal issues do not mix. You of all people should know this. So bringing them up is crossing the line. By miles. But not only did you bring them up, you made her angry about them. You're done for Ryan. You'll be dead in the next 24 hours, I bet. Watch your back from now on Ryan. The only way she will even consider forgiving you is either going to be the death of your soul, or a miracle. So start thinking up your apology speech."

"Derek I don't even give two shits any more. Hell I don't even give one. Wait, no, I don't even give a quarter of a shit, okay? I am not sorry about any of the things I said because they are all true, she is just too immature to accept the fact that I've cracked her little code and doesn't know how to handle it. If anything, she should apologise to me because the only reason this started was because I was trying to protect her. Why? Because she's my best friend Derek, is why. God damn it! She's my best friend." I growled and punched the wall next to me harshly. I winced and shook my hand.

"I know, Ryan, I know. But Amelia doesn't handle these things well, just like you didn't when I first met you. I know both of your 'stories' as people call them and I think you should open up and share! Because as the teletubbies say 'sharing is caring' and-"

"Actually, it's the care bears that say that." I interrupted.

"No it's the teletubbies!"

"No it's not. It's the care-"

"Whatever! I don't care. My point was either you guys need to share your stories and get closer that way or just - as much as it pains me to say it - hook up. The sexual tension is there and as much as it disgusts me to think about my best mate and my cousin getting it on the attraction and tension is there and that's half the reason why you guys are arguing. Because you fancy the pants off of each other!"

"What the hell Derek?" I asked. "I do no like Amelia like that!"

"Sure you don't." He said and gave me an over exaggerated wink.

"Right Derek. I, Ryan Richards, do not like your cousin Amelia Russel like that, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." He sighed and I glared at him. He pulled faces at me and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Why is Amelia so emotional anyway?" I asked him after we walked for a while.

"Just can't stop wondering about her, huh?" He asked and bumped my shoulder with his. I shoved him.

"Shut up and answer my question." 

"I have no idea. Mabe because she's ill, hasn't eaten in who knows how long, and is drugged up. Plus she always gets emotional about her home life since- Never mind." He cut himself up and I looked at him curiously.

"Now i'm curious."

"Well, you'll just have to make up and ask her, won't you." Derek answered and I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the tiny smile come onto my lips. 

For some reason, no matter what she did, she always managed to make me smile unlike anyone else.

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