Chapter 29:

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MUSIC: I'm not the one - 30H!3

Derek above^

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Derek's P.O.V: 

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"Arsehole. An absolute Arsehole!" I growled loudly to myself as I paced the length of the common room. Cher had managed to calm Amelia down after another round of tears when she'd realised that Ryan had actually left. She took her to the bathroom to clean her up and 'talk about girl stuff'.

More like talk about and slag off Ryan.

Eventually Jimmy stormed up to me and grabbed my shoulders forcefully. He pushed me down onto the couch as Tommy and Aaron towered over me. They gave me forceful, serious glares. To be honest, it intimidated me. I'd never seen all of the guys so serious at once.

"Just stop. Yes, he was an arsehole but you should be used to that by now. You have known him for quite a long time, you seem to forget. Remember that being an arsehole is part of the 'CAUTION' writing on the back of the package." Tommy told me.

"Not to mention what else is on that package..." Aaron trailed off tiredly. He flopped onto the couch next to me and rubbed his temples.

"Yeah. There's: Arsehole, arrogant prick, shit head, irrational thinking chicken nugget, bad vibes and a whole lot of trouble, rudeness and mischievousness." Jimmy pointed out matter-of-factly. I just shook my head sadly.

"I know. It's just the whole time he's known Amelia it's cooled off and he just seems like that young, cheeky boy he was a while back."

"We know Derek. Why do you think we're about to ask you this question? Not only for Amelia but for Ryan too." Aaron mumbled and I groaned, knowing that they were going to pry into what I know of Amelia's business.

"Guys I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"It's not my place." 

That was true but that wasn't all of it. Amelia had a bad past which included bad people that still had the possibility of returning. I didn't want to be the reason for that. If they came back, chances are, Amelia wouldn't. That or she'd disappear just long enough that a bruise would heal enough that she could say she got caught on a door handle, frame or corner of a kitchen counter top...

"Who gives a shit about your place. This is serious Derek. It's affecting Amelia in more ways than one and we need to help her." Aaron said.

"She's in emotional pain, Derek, psychological pain and who knows how Amelia will react to that. Sure, she can react to physical pain, and we know that. But from what I can work out she's never been affected by psychological pain and people like Amelia don't react to pain like that well. They just spiral down and down and down into a pit of nothingness and if that happens we won't be able to stop her from the inevitable. Sure that may not happen for years but with a girl like Amelia she's more likely to go to jail for a crime that she's committed to let out the frustrations of her pain. And so, we need to drag her from that pit now before it's too late."

We all stared at Tommy for a long time. We'd never heard much more than a few sentences from him before at a go and when it was more than that it was something about his childhood memories or something. Something of no importance to him. Because that's just the way he was. He was a naturally quiet person. He was closed off. And that's how he fit into our group because he was the most sensible and the most secretive. He knew things about everyone and everything. He could tell 1000 things about 1 person by just glancing at them. And you need a friend that's loyal and in every other aspect, the complete opposite to you. But you're so much of an opposite that you get along well and find common grounds.     

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