Chapter 28:

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MUSIC: Happy ending - Avril Lavigne

Cher above^

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Amelia's P.O.V:

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I opened the door to my classroom but was sent back out again. The Head Teacher wanted to see me. I had no idea what i'd done. It wouldn't have been about the Jail incident because that happened at least a week ago. I reached her office and didn't bother knocking. I walked straight in and let the door slam shut. She looked up at me.

"Oh Amelia, you're here. It took you long enough!" She laughed but I didn't.

"I was busy. What do you want?" I asked venomously.

"We have a new student, I would like you to show her around."

"Why me? Isn't that what your perfect prefects are for or some shit? I asked and she sighed.

"Watch your language Miss Russell unless you'd like to endure another week's worth of detention again? And I have my reasoning. You two seem quite similar and you both have pretty much the same classes."

"What the hell do you mean by similar?" I asked, and spat the word out. No one was similar to me. I was one of a kind. I had my arms crossed and was leaning against the door so that I could escape quickly if I needed to.

"Let's just say Miss Black would not get along with the prefects of our school. Her way of thinking is much more like yours.-" I glared at her. "-Not that your way of thinking is bad, of course. It is why I think you will do a brilliant job of guiding Miss Black, so I expect you to be on your best behaviour."

"Oh whatever. Where is Miss Black or whatever her name is?" I asked.

Black. I'd heard that last name before.

"She is outside."

I opened the door and left without a goodbye. I walked to reception and found a girl with her back to me. She was picking her fake nails. I wasn't in the mod for any crap so I decided to be straight with her.

"Okay listen, new girl. You will leave me alone and enter Bitch-Control who i'm sure will be very happy to have a new group-ee and-"

"Amelia, hunny. I can assure you that I will not be leaving to Bitch-Control." She turned around and I was met with the face of a smirking Cher.

"Cher. I didn't know you were joining."

"Part of the parcel of moving town. Now, if it's okay with you, i'd much rather stay with the guys."

"Of course. But word of warning, you hurt them and I hurt your face." I threatened and she laughed.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt any of you." She said and I smiled. It felt nice, for some strange reason. I hadn't seen her since the night of the Prison but it still felt like we'd been friends for years. 

I had a feeling we would be.

"Perfect. I like your outfit by the way, it's very... You." I said and she flashed me a grin as we started to walk.

 She was wearing thick-soled trainers, black over the knee socks, a leather mini skirt, school polo and a blazer. But somehow, she made it look fashionable. Her hair was down and parted so it laid over her shoulders. It was wavy and when she moved her head you could see her black hooped earrings. Her make-up was bold with bright pink lipstick and winged eyeliner.

"Thanks. I didn't like the original."

"Who does?" I asked and lead her into the common room. There was no point going to class for half-an hour. 

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