Our Last Summer

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This was it, the week of his wedding. The 22 year old was finally getting married to his girlfriend, Camila. Only a week ago, his oldest friend received a letter to invite her to his wedding. Sofia didn't know what to do, she panicked. The guy she hadn't seen since she was 18 wants her at his wedding, the guy that unknowingly is the father if her baby girl. So she did the only reasonable thing, packed her bags along with her baby girls, Alli's bags. And drove all the way to Toronto, where his wedding would be held. She arrived at her old home and she felt a wave of sadness overcome her. Her father stood at the door as if he knew she would rush home, a sob passed her lips as she ran into his arms, allowing her toddler to toddle other to them.

"I know Sofia, I know how it feels honey." He said softly stroking his only child back. She had grown since the last time he saw her, it had been almost 2 years. He bent down to pick up his grand daughter after letting his daughter go.

"Oh sweet Alli, look how much you've grown." Spoke the now greying man, as he picked up his beautiful grand daughter. The red haired baby just giggled as she grabbed his hair.

"Hey Pops." She grinned showing her missing tooth. Which resulted in Paul, her father taking the small child into the house to show her all of Sofia's things. The 22 year old ginger just stood rather last on the driveway staring at her old home, it looked exactly the same as it did all those years ago. Except the blue paint was a little bit cracked and the the piping had fallen a little bit. A soft smile filled her features as she noticed Paul and Alli waving out her old bedroom window which she smiled and waved back. Grabbing the bags out of the car, she found herself making her way to her old bedroom. Everything was the same, nothing had changed. The same yellow was painted on the walls and even her pictures of her friends were still strung up, her old bed still there along with the white fluffy carpet over the cherry wood.

"And this was Shawn, hes the reason your here today. Hes mummy's childhood best friend and he getting married." Paul told the little girl as she stare st the photo. Sofia getting flashbacks the second she noticed the photo. It was one of the last times they hung out before she disappeared, it was at a summer camp with all their friends. They were dripping wet and stood by a fire. Her smile only widened as she looked at the younger version of her self.

"And that's mummy." The little girl pointed at the small red haired freckled girl next to Shawn. A small yes from Sofia herself caused the two to look at her.

"Mummy's pretty then." The small girl laughed and Sofia joined them at the wall.

"I'm going to go see if Shawn or his soon to be wife are  at the old Mendes house. I want answers, can you look after the little one?" Sofia asked as Alli yawned and placed her head on her pops shoulder.

"I looked after you as a child, she's a mini you. Go!" Her father laughed leaving the ginger to herself. Seeing as she had been wearing the she outfit for a while she decided to freshen up before going over.

"Hey I'm Camila, you must be Sofia." A very pretty woman said after the ginger knocked on the door, Sofia gace a short nod and Camila ushered her inside.

"I was the one who sent you the invitation." Camila said after explaining why Shawn wasnt in at the moment.

"Why?" The ginger asked taking a small sip of her strawberry tea.

"Shawn talks about you all the time so I decided maybe you should be my bridesmaid, you seem very important to him." This caused the ginger to blush a bright red hiding her freckled cheeks.

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