Spiderman AU

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They were in the clock tower,
The star lit say above the was slashes like a piece of art. He was still wearing his spiderman suit as they had just traveled across the City with his webs, and she was dressed in a cute white sparkly dress as he had taken her from a party. One of her curls blew from behind her eat into the front if her face covering her dark brown eyes, only for the brown eyed boy to tuck in behind her ear again. Her perfectly manicured feet dangle of the side as her white heels lay discared somewhere in here. It was a rare sight to see,a gorgous girl over looking the finally resting City. It was ten minutes to midnight and Shawn couldnt have asked for a better date, Desinme and Shawn have been dating for just under five years now as they got together at Magcon however they both liked each other for two years before that. Actually tomorrow would be their fifth year anniversy. Desinme giggled as she grasped his cold hand and pulled him up with her as Shawn now stood confused, but at Desinme's sweet smile he couldnt help but smile too. "what do you want princess?" He asked hooking his arms around her waist and pulling her in. "one of our special kisses." she smiled ticking another stand away from her face as it blushed a bright red colour. He gave a laugh that rubbed in his chest and shot up into the roof of the tower. She just laughed as she spotted the red and blue clothed figure now hanging upside down from the celing by a web like he was a spider, which technically he was. His face then fell into her space Where she slowly liked his mask to his nose and behind his mask a bright smile that lit up like the sky shorne back. "princess?" He whispered and she pulled him towards by his cheek and they kissed, fireworks expelled in her chest as their lips lick together. He tasted like vanilla ice cream drizzled in chocolate while she tasted of cherries and mint choc chip ice cream, weird flavours but great combination. They two were so im love the didn't noticed the cloud of green take over the City, and quickly made its way to the clock tower, it was Sofe. Sofe was one of spidermans many enemy but this was one of the most powerful, everything he touched with his green smog would quickly behind to rot amd crumple like same sort of chemical disease. It had reached the click tower by now,and hit the side and slowly the green started to rot that spot. "Oh spiderman!" He called emerging from his cloud of green as the two pull away. "Desinme hide!" He shouted but the girl was frozen in spot. He dove out the very open window towards Sofe but he disappeared before he could touch him. "ive beaten you before sofe, ill do it again." He shouted using his webs to fly to the very top Where he now stood. "ah yes you did beat me once before boy but i was weak, i had no clue what i was doing." Sofe said trying to hit Shawn with his clouds but he would use web away really quickly. "ive done a little reseacrh on you spiderman, or should i say Shawn Mendes? I know that you need that girl to do all those as its all to protected her but ive won this time." He shouted again as they fight before he gave his menasing laugh amd disappearing. Shawn felt the tower rumple below him, sofe had done something terrible as the tower started to shake and crumple. "Desinme!" He whispered under his breath before shot back down to Where he had left her only to find d the girl still frozen in shock as the ground shake beneath her feet. "Shawn!" She cried as the floor fell threw and he shot up to the metal pills at the top of the tower and started catching all the falling pieces of Rock as time slowed down, Desinme look up at Shawn who was desperately trying to get her by moving everything in his path before looking to the floor, he only had a few more seconds before she was dead on the floor. Tears slipped out of her eyes as she realised the truth, she was going to die either way, so she slowly blinked as the clock chimed midnight whilst looking back up to her boyfriend as one of his webs came flying towards her. "happy fifth year anniversy Shawn, i love you." she whispered into the falling ash and she knew he had heard her as his face of confidence had broken amd he looked sad. It was as if time speed back up again as all the webs tighten around him and Desinme hung in the air, he was too late. The Fall and the delayed catch had broken her back as he caught her centimeteres from the ground. "Desinme!" He shouted down holding all the ropes as they tore his arms as he waited for a reply. When she didn't reply he sent out another web which liked all his past webs together so he could get to her. He quickly used a web to get to the level Where she was but almost broke at the sight of her, her body hung lifelessly; her skin was turning a sickly shade of green,her lovely green eyes were glazed over signifying the lifeless soul behind them, her plump lips were slightly patted and were turning a shadow purple, bruises covered her body from internal bleeding and body ran down her arm and forehead when she had been bit by falling rocks. She was dead. Not a single breath came through those lips that kissed him just minutes before. "Desinme..."  He cried holding the dead in his arms and he crumbled to the ground. "Desinme please... I love you..  You can't leave me like this." He cried clutching her body close as sirens filled the air, even in the ash filled room you could still see the red and blue lights flashing in the distance. Hot tears ran down his cheeks like lava buying the skin a bright red. He pressed his hear into her chest as he cried, the girl he loved was dead amd it was all his fault, her chest didn't ride or fall like it did only minutes before. Her heart didn't beat in her chest like it did only seconds ago,  she was gone. Desinme Yorks was dead, it was everywhere. And everywhere Shawn looked he found the girl he loved but as he went ti grab her she would slowly disappear, she was gone, never to return.
Request of one of my Greastest friends, Desinme Yorks. Hope you liked it and im sorry if it made you cry,i honestly was crying my eyes our whilst i was writing this. This is inspired by Gwen's death in The Amazing Spiderman, sorry again.


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