Love Potion

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A groan passed her lips as she stretched from her dim lit room, that may have been due to the fact they got no natural sunlight down here under the lake or whatever. Pansy, and her minions were still asleep so she looked over to her clock from the muggle world it read, 7:35am which meant it was 10 minutes until breakfast so she pulled herself out of her silky green sheets and her bare feet hit the cold floor making her cringe. She quickly undressed from her hoodie and shorts and began to slip on the uniform. She had done the last button of her shirt when she heard Pansy stir so she grabbed her heels and her robe with her bag and left running into the common room where Draco was already sat on the sofa.

"Good Moring gorgeous" he smirked but Y/N wasn't smiling, she was annoyed at the blonde prick.

"You know what Draco if you dont shut up. I'll stick my wand so far up your arse you will finally tell Hermione your in love with her." She fired back reaching into her robe pocket to get her wand only to remember it's on her bedside table. The young girl ran back up the stairs still lot wearing any shoes and with her cloak bellowing behind her. Finally she had made it down to the great hall just as breakfast began and smiled at Harry, Ron and Hermione not missing the intertwined hands of Ron and Hermione on the table. Brushing over it she took her seat on the other side if the hall where Draco would soon sit to her right with Layla to her left. After munching on a chocolate waffle and a handful of fruit was it time for lesson. They made there way there when Shawn made his presence noticable.

"Hey guys what's up? Guess who I banged last night? Pansy! boo yeahh." He laughed along with his friends but Y/N knew it was bullshit cause Pansy was with her secret boyfriend Harry last night. So she called him out.

"You couldn't have, she was with her boyfriend last night." She said as she entered the room to find snape brewing his potions.

"Ew why does it smell of Y/N in here?"
"Ew why does it smell like Shawn in here?" We both ask at the same time and only get an eyebrow raise from Snape and the class had given up with us two always fighting.

"This students are the three most important potions for this topic. The polyjuice potion, liquid luck and ammortia. Can any of you tell me what they mean?" He asked with a new time to his voice and before Hermione could even think about putting her hand up her was up first.

"Y/N? Tell us about the third one" Snape asked motioning to move towards the table.

"Ammortia potion is the strongest love potion in the world however it does not create love, ir creates a sense of desire and or releases the love for a person, a sense of false hope. And it smells different for every person." She said trying to step back but Snape motioned for her to continue.

"What do you smell Ms Y/L/N?" Snape asked giving Shawn a side eye as if he already knew.

"Like I smell, lynx new parchment, citrus, ink and Sh...." but she cut herself off.

"That's it" she said stepping back bowing her head ad she went.

"Any other volunteers to smell the potion?" Snape added and Shawn being Shawn rose his hand up the slowest knowing Snape would pick him.

"Shawn by my guest." Snape said ad the taller boy stepped forward.

"I smell, warm cookies, lemons, pencils and Y..." Shawn said looking at Y/N as he was no longer able to finish his sentence.

Snape was talking but both Shawn and Y/N weren't listening, both of which in their little works trying to figure out the other smell.

"Y/N and Hermione, Shawn and Draco. This is a partner project and you will be making a love potion. And everyone will write an essay on their experience with the scent of the love potion." he finished and both of them snapped out of it as their partners made their way over to the zoned out two.

Saying the two girls were from completely different house they actually worked quite well together and brewed the potion relatively quickly. However next to them the two boys weren't doing quiet well with each other as they ignored each other causungnmany arguments. The girls potion was perfect so the two went to collect their viles at the front of the room although with the boys they were fighting over one of the most dangerous ingredients and they went to far. The ingredient slipped from their cold yet clammy hands and into the girls potion. The two girls had just reached their desk when the potion turned an awful pink colour and was bubbling vigorously. A scream from Y/N made everyone look at the two girls as the potential splurged out of the cauldron and drown Y/N, Hermione, Shawn and Draco in the thick sparkling solution.

When snape arrived at the scene the two couples were staring lustily into each others eyes. Y/N was curled into Shawn's side as he played with her hair with one hand and she played with his fingers on the other. Whilst Hermione was sat on Draco's lap and leaning close to him as if she was going to kiss him as he played with her skirt.

Moganall arrived at Snapes call and put a spell on Draco and Hermione to stay away from each other whilst Y/N was clawing at a Snape who had Shawn floating in his grasp.

An antidote was found and the 2 couples were cured and everything was supposed to return to normal however the feelings for the other was not left unheard off. As only a month after the incident, Y/N and Shawn were founding snogging in the slytherin changing rooms after Slytherin won the Quittate House Cup. Even if Shawn should have been mourning with his best friends Harry and Ron for their loss, he was found pushing the smaller girl up the inside of the tower.

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