Fighting yet acceptence

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Your POV
Me and Shawn were fighting once again, things were smashed and his neck vein was popping out as he screamed. He lifted up the nightstand light and flung it on the wall next to me not realising that when it smashed bits of the pottery cut my face. I don't even remember why we started fighting in the first place but whatever it was it's slowly chipping at our relationship because this is all we ever do. "I'm sick off you, you spend all this time at the studio with Camilia and come home and ignore me. You should just date her." I screamed as purples filled my face and he was bright red with anger. "I would rather date her then you anyway your a slut." He shouted not realising that these words that hurt me. "I don't even know why I ever liked you, I was so stupid to even believe that it would work out." I screamed back trying to hide my tears, I could tell that my words had hurt Shawn as a tear slipped out of his eye but wiped it away. "You should just take your stuff and leave." I shouted again as his face soften. "Fine I will." He whispered walking towards me before lifting me over his shoulder as I tried to fight back. And just like that he started walking out of the bedroom, and I kicked him and punched him while screaming to put me down. "Shawn WTF put me down!" I shouted and a laughed passed through his lips. "What? You said take your stuff and leave, your mine and I love you." He said and my heart warmed and my knees felt weak. "Oh Shawn I love you too and I'm sorry." I cried jumping into his arms and he placed a kiss on my forehead.

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