The Purge AU

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It was the first day of the Shawn Mendes World Tour and unfortunatly for the group they landed themselves in New York city however at the moment they were fine. The group were walking around as normal sightseeing when it blared out every speaker and was broadcasted in every screen.

This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the commencement of the annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government.

Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted.

Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed.

Commencing at the siren, any and all crime (including murder) will be legal for 12 continuous hours.

Police, fire, and Emergency Medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. When the purge concludes.

Blessed be our new founding fathers and America... A nation reborn.

May God be with you all.

Everyone was screaming and running around frantically, shop owners quietly and quickly shut down and disappeared. All the other group members had ran of in panic and Y/N was left alone in the middle of a rush traffic of people. Screaming and Crys of pain filed her ears and then a elbow from a frantic person looking for safety collided with her temple and knocked her to the floor instantly. All the heavy pairs of feet stumbling over her made her vision go blurry until she felt like she was sinking.

It was an hour later when Shawn found her laying in the floor unconscious. "Y/N." He said slapping her face but came no response. "Y/N!" He screamed which made the girl shot up however he had caught someone else's attention with the scream. A shadow emerged from the back street of near where they were. This person had a joker mask on so you couldn't see their features but you could see her long brown hair flowing from behind her mask. "Well well well what a cute little couple?" The girl tainted as the two sat frozen not realising that they were griping onto each other hands so tightly. "A cute pretty boy with the ugly fat nerd. Such a cute love story such a sad little ending to the story though." She spoke again stepping closer to the frozen couple on the ground, her rifle at her side taunting the pair. "Two young lovers died in each other's arms, so cute yet so sad." The girl said pulling her rifle up ready to shoot them when Y/N's instincts clicked in. Her leg swiped her feet from below causing the other woman to fall to the ground in pain, the rifle flung out of her grasp and against the cold wet road which looked strange deserted. "You bitch." She screamed charging for Y/N as Shawn ran for the rifle. But the lady was stronger and had Y/N on the ground in seconds with her neck in between her hands that wrap tighter and tighter around her neck, Y/N tried to dettach and kick at the girl but her life was slowly slipping away. "Oh Fuck it, ITS PURGE BABY." Shawn screamed with a psychotic gleam in his eyes as each bullet leaped from the gun. Every round hitting her chest directly letting the crimson blood spill onto the pavement and girl below. "Shawn!!!!" Y/N screamed as the dead corpse landed on her blood covered body after her breath started coming back. The two realised what they had done and took of running into the shadows of the streets as more mask covered people arrived on sight. Someone wearing a pale white mask with 'Killer' written in the front in black was walking down the same alleyway as them. He had holding a set of keys that belonged to the crazy car armed in the middle of the road and a large axe in his right, you could clearly see the pistol s and ammo on his belt so the two decided to survive they must kill. Shawn sent one round into his chest and everyone on the street was too busy dancing around like psychos to notice and Y/N dive forwards prying the axe out of his hand and handing it to Shawn and grabbed his belt and his keys. "I know that down that street there is a little clothes shop so if we are gonna purge we should do it in style." Shawn said handing the axe back to Y/N as she was good with hand held combat. The girl only nodded and they ran in the opposite direction of the 'people'. The two had decided to go full out and Shawn pulled a clean white shirt black suspender trousers and a dark red tie men's section as Y/N grabbed this lovely dark red, short, lace dress and also grabbed a cute little white ribbon from her waist and a smaller one for her hair, the two looked amazing and they decided to get matching purge masks that were were pale white with X's for eyes and a evil smirk. Then they took of running to the black jeep covered in lights not being noticed by the psychos that were singing about a sacrifice. Shawn took drivers seat while Y/N took shooter, "may God be with you all, thank you for your sacrifice to our nation." Y/N screamed as Shawn revved up the jeep and Shawn started shooting at the people shooting at them as they drove like mad men down the street.

Many more people had died to these two whether they were shoot while they drove or they had fallen to them on foot, not a single person survived even when Y/N got shot in the arm and the two killed the 5 men instantly. She came Shawn's little slave, his lover and Shawn turned insane as did his lover.

That night she came the Harley Quinn to His Joker, they were never the same not even when the purge had ended and they came home. The two could still feel the adrenaline from the deaths they took however the Purge was extinct in Canada............well for now anyway...

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