Starlit Skys and Best Friends

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Requested by my sister from another mister, Zoë Hartfield.

She heard the whispers as she walked down thr boring halls of high school, they were all about Shawn. She tucked a piece of stray black hair behind her ear as she continued to wall through the halls. Him and Halle had apparently broken up and unfortunately Zoë wouldn't see him for the rest of the day as she had soccer practice so she sent him a text.

Me, You at Zerka's tonight at 8pm- ZoZo 🤡

Zerka's was a small diner on the outskirts of their town that they liked to visit, so much that they have become the most loved customers in there until Shawn got with Halle.

Only if there's a cookie dough milkshake and raspberry slush involved.- ShawnyBoo 💙

Why of course- ZoZo 🤡

She giggled at their talk so unfortunately she didn't see Halle walking down the corridor too. The two collide and fall backwards, one of the girls furious  and the other confused.

"Hey Halle. What's up?" Zoë asked trying to remain calm however the other girl didn't agree.

"Don't Halle me, it's your fault I broke up with Shawn you freak." She screamed punching Zoë straight in the jaw causing the 5 foor girl to punch back however Halle was taller and faster as she was on the cheer team so she got more punches in. The two girls were ripped apart from each other and Zoë made her way to practice wiping the blood from her lips on the way there.

Zoë reached Zerka's first as Shawn lived by and was going to walk. He walked in and took the seat opportunity her not looking up at her face.

"Four raspberry slushes and 4 cookie dough milkshakes to go." Micheal called out but he already knew who they were for so when Zoe waved her hand in the air it was no surprise.

"Shawn, come with me." She asked softly placing her soft hands on his knuckles and that's when he finally looked to to face her, the bruised and battered face staring back at him. She looked terrible, the right side of her jaw was all bruised, she had a black swollen eye and many small but deep cuts on her face from where Halle's nails caught her.

"Cone on." She spone standing up and grabbing the slushes to go. The drive up to where they were going was quiet and awkward but the mood changed when she stood driving and toon the key out of the ignition.

The trunk of her jeep was filled with warm fluffy blankets and dozens of pillows.

"Zoë, what's all this about." He whispered trying to not breakdown as he was still hurting frin the breakup. But Zoë didn't answer him, she clined into the trunk and patted the space next to her. Shawn following not long after ti sit in her left.

The view from the jeep was malicifant, the tiny speaks of lights from the houses in their town, they were on the cliff overlooks the town.

"I heard about the breakup and decided this is what you needed to make you feel better, like when we were kids and we would walk all the way up here together just to watch the stats come out." Zoë said taking a slurp from her slushy before handing Shawn one.

"This us exactly what I needed, thank you Zozo." He said leaning forward watching the luminous sun begin to fall behind the trees in the far distant. The last golden rays of light shining in the best friends laughing with each other as they talked about memories. The two sat snuggled up watching the stars all night, watching twinkling balls of light that were thousands of miles away and already dead light up the sky. This is what they both needed, only deciding to travel home when the green eyed beauty began to shake in the cold midnight air seeing as she was wearing a cute green dress with black boots and a black leather jacket that actually belonged to Shawn. The two were finally at peace, in the silent night of February 15th.

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