Not an update :)

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Hey guys, how have you all been? Sorry, this isn't an update, it's been forever since I've touched this book. Thank you to everyone who has supported this book and the series! I can't believe we have 23k reads!!

The point of this is to see everyone's opinions on the news. I'm getting mixed emotions if they're permanently over or not because of what Andy said. What do you guys think? 

If this is hitting anyone hard emotionally, you are welcome to private message me! I haven't really been keeping up with Roadtrip for the past year or two, so I'm not too affected. I do understand that there will be some of you who are going to be very upset. Please reach out to me if you need someone to talk to!

Alright I'm done rambling. I hope you are all well! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really can't thank you enough for supporting me.

I love you guys~ Mads <3

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