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(Maddy's POV)
"Morning." Rye says as we all start to wake up.
"How do you feel?" Andy asks Rye with a concerned look.
"Better then yesterday, but not the best." He says as Nicole walks in the door.
"I brought breakfast!" She announces as she walks into the room. Rye smiles at her and motions for her to sit next to him. She helps him pour the milk in his cereal and even feeds it to him.
"Ugh get a room." I say and fake gag.
"You'd do the same for Andy." Nicole says to me and I look over to Andy who is sitting beside me on the couch. He has a hopeful look on his face for what I'll say next.
"Probably not." I say as I take a spoonful of his cereal and it eat.
"I feel hurt." Andy says as he gasps and puts a hand on his heart.
"You'll get over it." I say and wink at him.
-skip to when they get home-
"Alright girls since you're part of the management now, you need to start making music. So, I made appointments with Spike to get you started. Tomorrow morning Maddy and Nicole will go first and when they're done Abbie will go. I have to leave for a meeting so I'll see you guys later." Blair explained to us and left. The three of us squealed in excitement and everyone joined in for a group hug. After everything settled down we realized that Brook and Erin weren't in the room with us.
"Um where are they?" Rye asked.
"No clue. Let's split up into pairs and look in all the rooms. I'll take Andy. Rye and Nicole will go together. Abbie and Jack. And Mikey and Harvey." I said to everyone.
"Aye Aye captain." Mikey said and we all split up to look around.
Andy and I start in our room and see no sign of them.
"Why don't we just ditch this and have some fun in here." Andy said as he sat on our bed and winked.
"Um no. We need to keep looking. Get up and let's go." I said grabbing his and pulling him with me.
"Ugh fine." He said rolling his eyes and reluctantly walked with me. As we continue, we end up bumping into Rye and Nicole.
"Any luck?" I asked.
"Nope. Abbie and Jack went outside to look and are getting food for us. Mikey and Harvey gave up and are eating in the kitchen." Nicole told me.
"Well where haven't you looked?" Andy asked them.
"Brooks bedroom." Rye said.
"You idiots." I said rolling my eyes and head to his room. I open their door and see what I wasn't expecting.
"What the hell?" Mikey said as he crept up behind me with a sandwich in his hand. Erin and Brook scramble to get up.
"It's not what it looks like!" Brook said.
"Yeah well it sure as hell looked like you were snogging my ex girlfriend! What happened to boy code?" Mikey said, making me giggle a bit at the ending.
"I'm sorry Mikey it's just so frustrating that I can't kiss the girl and be with the girl that I love! She lives in the same house as me and I can't even give her a hug in the mornings or a kiss goodnight because you can't get over your feelings for her! It sucks dude, you need to move on just like she did." Brook said to Mikey. I decided to give them some space to talk. So I left the room and so did everyone else who wasn't involved in the situation.
"I texted Abbie to let them know we found them." I sighed as I sat down next to Andy on the couch.
"Can we watch a movie or something to drown out the yelling?" Harvey asked and I nodded.
"What do you want to watch?" I said as I scrolled through Netflix.
"The kissing both!" Nicole said and Rye, Andy, and Harvey groaned.
"Yes!" I said as I turned it on.
"Noah is just so dreamy." Nicole said.
"And fit." I added making us giggle.
"Why did she not have back ups pants to her back up back ups. (You'd only understand if you watched the movie😂)?" Andy said and we all agreed.
Jack and Abbie walked into the door and joined us for the movie and we filled them in on what's going on with them.
-about an hour later-
"They've been in there for awhile. Should we make sure everything's okay?" Harvey asked.
"I think we should just leave it for now. They'll work it out." Jack said and right after, we heard a crash come from Brooks room. We all jump up and run into the room.
"What's going on?" I said as I walked into the room.
"Brook stop!" Erin yelled. I see Mikey holding his face in his hands and Brook has a regretful look on his face.
"Omg Mikey I'm so sorry." He said as he saw Mikey's eye start to turn purple.
"Can someone explain what's going on?" Andy said as Rye led Mikey out of the room.
"W-We were just talking and I just got so angry at him because he said he still loved Erin and will not stop fighting for her. I just punched him and I don't know why. I screwed up big time." Brook said and ran his hand down his face.
"Yeah you have. Now go apologize to Mikey." I said and he nodded his head and walked out of the room. I walked over to Erin and wrapped her in a hug as she cried on my shoulder.
"It's going to be okay." I told her as I hugged her tighter.

Never Be Alone/Roadtrip Fanfic/Andy Fowler/Sequel to New ManWhere stories live. Discover now