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(Maddy's POV)
"Andy wake up." I said shaking him.
"Why?" He whined and cuddled closer into me.
"Because we have to rehearse for the tour. And we have to be at rehearsals in an hour." I said to him in a duh tone. He made a weird noise and then got up. We both got ready and headed out to see the others. As we were eating breakfast I got a queasy felling in my stomach and excused myself into the bathroom.
"Shit." I said after throwing up. I splashed some water on my face and brushed my teeth and saw that everyone was getting ready to leave as I left the bathroom.
"You alright love? You look a bit pale." Harvey said to me.
"I'm fine thanks." I said giving him a sweet smile and as we headed out towards the car.
~Skip rehearsals~
We all decided to go out to Nandos and have a quick bite to eat.
"Babe what are you getting to eat?" Andy asked me.
"Nothing, I'm not that hungry." I said as he gave me a concerned look.
"You've been acting off all day, what's wrong?" He said and I hate it when people pressure me with questions.
"Nothing Andy, I am fine." I said and rolled my eyes. He just sighed and went back to looking at the menu.
"Mads can you come to the bathroom with me quick?" Nicole said and I nodded as I got up and followed her to the bathroom.
"Are you pregnant or something or is this just a prank?" Nicole said flat out as I sat on top of the bathroom counter.
"What?" I said giving her a weird look.
"I found the pregnancy stick in your bathroom while I was looking for toothpaste since we didn't have any." She said and I gasped.
"Was it positive?" I asked.
"Was it positive?" I asked her in a serious tone.
"Yeah it was." She said and gave me a weird look.
"Omg I'm pregnant!" I squealed and jumped off the sink counter.
"I can't believe you're pregnant!" Nicole yelled in a happy tone and brought me into a huge hug.
"Congratulations." An older lady said to me as she walked out of the stall. I said thank you as she walked out of the bathroom and Nicole and I burst into laughter.
"Don't say anything to anyone until I tell Andy. Got it?" I said to her very seriously.
"Got it. But when did you two do the nasty?" Nicole said raising her eyebrows up and down. I slapped her on the arm and glared at her.
"That's between Andy and I. Now act normal when we walk out there." I said to her as we walked out and took our seats.
"You two alright? You look extra perky after that bathroom trip." Mikey said to us making us exchange looks and giggle.
"We're fine." I said to him as I leaned over to Andy.
"We need to talk later." I whispered into his ear and he nodded with a worried look.
"Don't worry it's good news." I told him and kissed him on the cheek. Since I didn't order anything, Andy still got me some French fries and I'm great full that he did because I am a bit hungry. While we were eating, Nicole kept giving me giddy looks which made Rye sort of suspicious. She was sitting right across from me so I kicked her under the table and that finally made her stop.
~Skip to them back at home~
I plop down on the bed and so does Andy. He lays on his side and I lay in my stomach. We both stare at each other for a minute and then he lays his hand on top of mine. I link our fingers together and he kisses my cheek.
"So what was the good news?" He asked me as he pulled me closer to him. He let go of my hands and laid his head in my lap. I played with his hair as I mustered up the courage to answer his question.
"So you know how I haven't been feeling well and I guess I have been having mood swings?" I asked him.
"Um you've definitely been having mood swings." He said and I ruffled up his hair and lean down to kiss him.
"Ugh God I don't know how to say this." I said which made him sit up and give me a hug.
"Whatever you're about to tell me won't change a thing. I love you." He told me and I sighed as I pulled away from the hug.
"I love you too baby." I said looking him in the eyes.
"Here goes, I'm pregnant." I said quietly and I saw his eyes light up. He sat up and smiled an enormous smile.
"Wait you're serious?" He said with a huge grin and I nodded as a tear rolled down my cheek. He brought me into a huge bear hug and picked me up and swung me around in a quick circle and then put me down.
"I'm gonna be a dad." He said as his eyes started to water up.
"Yeah and you'll be an amazing one." I said giving him a kiss.
"We've got this." He said to me and I nodded as I buried my face into his chest.

Never Be Alone/Roadtrip Fanfic/Andy Fowler/Sequel to New ManWhere stories live. Discover now