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(Maddy POV)
"Babe wake up." Andy whispered in my ear as I opened my eyes.
"We're at the airport." He said to me as I unbuckled my seatbelt and groaned. I just flopped back down onto his shoulder since we didn't have to get out yet. Blair's friend came with us so he could take the car back to the flat. As we waited to get a parking spot, Andy played with my hair and quietly sang Sweet Nothings into my ear.
"Can we be that cute?" Abbie asked Jack and he laughed, pulling her closer.
"We're the cutest couple here and no one can compete." I said making Nicole gasp.
"Excuse me, Nyan is the cutest without a doubt." Nicole said making us laugh.
"Are you two going to defend yourselves?" I said looking over to Mikey and Erin.
"Nah, we already know we're the best." Mikey said as he kissed Erin on the cheek, making her laugh and blush.
"Guys I'm glad you're enjoying competing with each other, but it's time to get out." Blair said parking the car in the drop off lane. We all piled out of the car and grabbed our things. Andy took my carry on and I tried to take his.
"Babe, let me take your bags." He said pouting as I took his bag.
"Then let me take yours, it's light anyways." I said and he shook his head.
"Guys just take the bags and let's get on the plane." Harvey said and I glared at him. He put his hands up in surrender and we all started walking towards the security area and boarded the plane.
The plane was set up with three seats in a row so I sat at the window seat with Andy next to me and Harvey next to him. Worst seat selection ever,
let me tell you. I put in my headphones, but don't play the music because Andy and Harvey are talking and I love eavesdropping.
"So why are you so determined to make Maddy your girlfriend in your music video?" Andy asked Harvey. I could hear Harvey sigh before he answered Andy.
"Please don't let anything change between us okay?" He asked Andy.
"Harvey nothing could change our friendship! I've known you forever and we're too close for any damage." Andy answered to him.
"Okay so I've known Maddy forever. We dated for like two years and I broke up with her because of distance since I was starting to get big. I regret my decision so much, I just want her back so bad. Life without her and hearing her loving someone else has really hurt. I thought maybe this video would be the last time I get to hold her hand and have her look like she loves me. You two aren't even dating so I like to think I have a chance, but I know I don't. She loves you Andy, make her yours while you can." Harvey's voice cracked at the end making me feel so sad for him. A tear was threatening to slip, but I held it back.
"I wish you would've told me how you felt earlier. You had her first and I'm sorry for taking her from you. I just love her so much and I've never felt this way before. Thanks for understanding buddy." Andy said making me smile.
"Of course Fovvs." He said. Awe my two favorite boys just made up. A weight definitely just lifted off my chest.

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