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(Andy's POV)
"Good morning Fovvler." Maddy said as opens her eyes and looked at me through her long eyelashes.
"Morning Mads." I said making her giggle since she thinks that nickname is funny.
*Bzz Bzz*
Maddy looks over to her nightstand and grabs her vibrating phone. She rolls her eyes and shows me who's calling, Blair. I groan and play with her hair as she answers the phone. I can't really hear what Blair is saying, but I heard studio and Nicole. She hangs up and sighs.
"What's that about?" I ask as I let go of her hair and pull her closer to me.
"Blair wants me and Nicole in the studio at 8:30." She says and checks the time.
"Shit! It's already 7:30!" She says and get up and rushes over to her wardrobe.
"Omg you have an hour, you're fine." I say to her, but she shakes her head.
"Andy I need to shower, dry my hair, get dressed, put in my makeup, and arrive to the studio on time! That's literally impossible!"
She says to me, obviously stressed out.
"Baby you don't need makeup." I say as I sit up on bead.
"Now come cuddle with me." I say with a pouty face.
"Thanks baby. I'm sorry I just can't." She says and kisses my cheek and leaves for the bathroom. I fall back into bed in defeat. I just want one relaxing day with her when I can actually sleep in. We just got back from LA yesterday and Blair still wants her up at 7:30, it's not fair.
—Skip to when Maddy and Nicole get to the studio—
(Maddy's POV)
We walk into the studio door and are greeted by Blair and Spike.
"Hello girls!" They both say with way too much energy.
"Hi." We both say at the same time and take a seat on the couch.
"So as you probably know, the new Shawn Mendes album is out." Spike said and my heart dropped.
"Omg seriously! He's my actual world!" I said jumping up and acting like a five year old.
"Sorry." I said sitting down and making them all laugh.
"Yes we are. I've decided to let you guys pick since I know Maddy is a huge fan and you girls should enjoy what you sing." Spike said and Blair agreed.
After a small argument with Nicole, we decided to sing Like To Be You. Nicole is singing Julia's part and I'm slinging Shawn's.

Never Be Alone/Roadtrip Fanfic/Andy Fowler/Sequel to New ManWhere stories live. Discover now