~The Immortals~ The Beggining? Ch.1

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 "Penelope, Can you Please...Slow down." Her  heavy breathing makes me smile. I ignored her plea. Having the wind blow across my  face. Making my hair fly around crazy; the trees branches following the same beat of my hair.  I would only stop IF she said those two words.

 "PENELOPE!" I laughed as Esmeralda stoped and took heavy breaths.

 "As much as I HATE to say this, but... You...Win." I smiled and took it as a complement, even though her serious tone, heavy brething, and her attitude. Was making me less then expect she denied it, I took what ever I got.  She pouts and remains still tell I come over to her.

Esmeralda was one of those girls, who always perfered to Be perfect. Instead of being Non-Perfect. She is my sister of course and cause of being the eldest. I was the one thing she expected to shine over her. I am the youngest, and she expected me to being just like her, even though I may have the same kind of features like hers. It dosn't mean that my personality is like her's as well.

Am more of the fun, exited, reading type of girl. Never once in my life did I ever perfer to do like the women do here at my villiage. I disliked it ever since I was five, and my mother taught  me how  to make bread and clean out the clothes. While Esmeralda saw a good laugh out of that, I perferd to do the things the boys did around here. It was more out my expedition then any others could ever expected, out of my behavior.

In tell one day a boy around my age came to our villiage and we meet for the very first time. His name is Erik. He was tall for his age. He had very cute dimpales and  very handsome of course. He had blond striaght hair, that sometimes would always lay softly on his face that looked cute when he pulled  it away. Sometimes he would notice me watching, and I would blush madly and walk away with Esmeralda from a long day picking out food for mama to propair for super.

The day when I  accidentally  left my bag of sweet patatoes, he came to drop it for my papa when my papa hired him for work around the house. He paid him twice when he saw the amount of work one boy can do in ONE day. I was quite surprised.

"Hey, I've noticed that you like to do the things your Father happens to do." He smiles like he hasn't seen a girl around here doing this at all.

"You are right. I just perfer to do the things that men do, Women cooking and cleaining is not a big thing up on my list." I blush trrying to look away from him, not expecting at all that am blushing,

"What kind of list?" His eyes narrow to mine, and I felt like some kind of electristiy came shotting straight through my body.

"Umm, things that I like and Don't like."

"Well I hope, Am on that list of yours." He smiled which made me blush even harder. At that we said are goodbyes and we hung out ever sence, he tries to help with wood working, and I help him cook, even though wear both learining, I think its fun when we do it together, but he's food always comes out good. I even remember that when I first entered the kitchen with ingredients my mama almost fainted.

As I reach Esmeralda sitting on the grass, I sit next to her aswell,

"So, How did you get so fast like that?"

"Just a natural talent you know, like you cooking and cleaining around the house in a matter of seconds."  I smile, she frowns.

"Its that really my talent? Just cleaining and cooking?. What more can I do. Your life seems so fun. And mine is more of a cleaning prepairing myself to be a mother. I was a kid once, and I had to learn this all at once. There was no Fun for me at all." she sighs and falls to the grass looking to the sky. watching as the stars shine as they do everyday.

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