The Immortals~CH.10

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I felt something hard on top of me. Also something sticky, which was gross.  I opened my eyes seeing darkness every where. I pulled the thing off of me seeing red dots , and also red drippy blood? No that's not possible. I couldn't have killed Night? Did I?  I looked frantically for Erik and Damen. They were outside and they were looking at me with curiosity. What did I do? Did they think that I killed her and that am so disgusting they don't want to be near me at all. I felt small tears slide down my cheek which became a flow of tears.

"Penelope?" I turned meeting my eyes toward Erik who looked like he got shot bad in his foot, but I could tell he was trying to hide it the best as he could.

"Am sorry, I didn't mean to kill her. I never killed any one before." I said crying more harder

"No, its okay. She was just an enemy of ours who wanted your soul. You did great."

"I don't know." I turned to the direction to were Night's body was laid with a hole in her chest. Was she a Vampire? Absolutely wrong. Vampires don't exist. At least I think. Immortals are sure to be here, but Night did look like a vampire. I should have a chat with Damen about this.

"Lets go."

"But, I can't get out."

"Yes you can. Nights dead so the spell is broken." Damen said standing up from the dirty grass outside,

"Okay." I stood up making my way to the door. I was scared that something may pull me down once again, but nothing happened so I was free to walk outside without anyone pulling me down or wanting my soul to be exact.

"I think this girl needs some rest." A voice said to the direction near the woods at Erik's right.

"Cain," Damen said,

"Damen, Erik. And Ahh Penelope." Cain flashed a devilish smile

"What are you doing here?" Erik spoke up. I stayed behind Erik at all times.

"I don't trust this Cain"

"You and me both"Damens voice said making my mind squeeze some extra room for his conscious.

"If you were here?Then why didn't you come and help." I blurted out,

"Huh?" Cain's right eyebrow shot up looking at me, "Am sorry I didn't know you were in danger. I just got done coming from an old friend of mine." I looked down at my shoes feeling guilty for pushing all this on him, "But are you all right." Cain said making one step toward me while I still stuck by Erik grabbing a hold of Erik's arm.

"She's all right, and you are right Cain; Penelope does need some rest." Damen said making a smooth move toward me,

"Oh I didn't mean to be so rude, but if you want my house isn't that far away. Penelope may rest there while you two get some rest as well." Cain said sliding back a bit, 

"That would be great, but---, "Great then; To my house it is then." Cain said interrupting Damen. Cain stepped forward bumping my arm, it sent a chill of shivers down my spine.  I just didn't like the vibe on this guy.

As Erik kept trying to  carry me, I refused. Erik kept giving me weird looks on are way toward Cain's house. Which by the way is huge. It reminded me of a deserted place, but not really. I watched as the water sprouted from the grass showing a beautiful fountain in the middle with a statue of a women who was holding a harp on one end and the other with a book. It looked like The Liberty in New york, but not likely. I saw as two doors men which were carrying a big stick in there hands and they looked serious. I smiled and waved, but I could tell they were not paying any attention to me at all what so ever. I saw a maze not far from Cain's house; it was the most fascinating thing I've ever seen. They had swirls that went up and down zigzag. It was just amazing; I couldn't help but smile.

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