Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Immortals

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Esmeralda had faded into the jungle. I pulled my hair into a ponytail annoyed from the pieces of hair flying out. I looked across the jungle trying to find Esmeralda ghost like body. I started walking feeling fingers on my head. It only took me a minute finally realizing that a monkgon (That’s what I’m calling them) was on top of my hair digging for something. I didn’t dare scream as I walked slowly as possible.

This was not the time for Esmeralda to be playing around!

I had the urge to call out her name, but remembered the monkgon on top of my head. I had found a large stick lying on the ground and I reached for it. I could hear the sound of my book bag being open.

“No you don’t!” I whacked the monkgon with all my strength knowing that the impact would hurt me as well.  The monkgon hissed and jumped off my head feeling a bit light headed I decided to carry this stick with me.

I pulled my book bag to my chest knowing that I can have full vision on what any monkgon is doing.

“Esmeralda!” I shouted her name, no response.

This was not funny, “Esmeralda!” I growled, hearing the sound of rustling bushes instead.

Fate had brought Esmeralda to me only to help me out with my destination, never once did she tell me that Fate had brought her here to help me out with quest. That means she faded out of the Land of Mischief to the safe side.

This quest mine alone, it depended on whether I came alive or not.

I didn’t dare scream out Esmeralda name as I clutched on to the stick for my life.

I can do this. I breathe heavily hearing flapping of wings behind me. I looked back to see two angry looking monkgon charging right for me.

This was so not my week.

I ducked under a bush from the flame breathing monsters. Feeling something sharp hit my leg I realized that it was a monkgon living under a bush. I bit my lower lip hoping that the monkgon didn’t notice me, but I can’t always have my way.

I dashed out of the bush only to be meted by six monkgon as fire balls headed my way. I rolled and jumped trying to think of a way to escape them.

Maybe something inside my book bag will do the trick. I zipped open my book bag fast trying to be as quite as I hid from the monkgon. Tooth floss, money, a packet of marbles, my necklace, stone of youth, and a small pocket knife.

I groaned knowing this is all what I had hurriedly stashed away into my book bag. I took out the tooth floss and the packet marbles getting an idea of a sling shot. If I can sling it directly inside there mouth then they’ll choke.

I remembered being taught by Erik in the village. I smiled thanking him. I heard the sound of flapping wings knowing that they had found me. I did a quick check to see if my sling shot was ready as I awited for my first victim.

Fire balls hit my tree as I ran to the free open space to quickly see three monkgon gazing at me. I took out my marble and as I was about to sling one at them. A fire ball almost headed my way before I ducked and rolled out of the way. This was so not my day.

There was too many. I needed to get them alone.  

An idea popped inside my mind as I whistled at one of the monkgon with the scar across his monkey face, “You want my stuff? Come and get it.”

The alpha monkgon growled at the monkgon as the fled away somewhere else. It stopped flapping its wings as it lowered itself near a branch. He’s tail reaching for my bag as I got all so close to the monkgon.

 Before the alpha monkgon grabbed my bag I shot two marbles directly at its open mouth. I didn’t have to see what happened, for I ran getting a hold my book bag and getting away as I heard an explosive behind me.

I kept holding my bag when I see a monkgon flying past me blowing smoke out of its small scale like nose.

It charged me as its claws scratched my arm reaching for my bag, but I quickly pulled away. Seeing blood drip from my arm I slung another marble at the monkgon seeing its green red eyes flicker before it went bang into little bits.

Before I knew it I ran into a gate flying straight on my back as I cringed.

I got up seeing bits of red dots as I opened the gate to be only introduced to the wonderful safe side, only to be meted by a long bridge,  but that’ odd I didn’t see no troll around.

“Why have you come? You destroyed my sleep.” A loud rusty voice answered as two green like claws climbed up from the bridge.  

“I-I” forgetting how to speck as the troll came face to face with me. He was taller than me, fatter as well. He had blue dashing eyes for a troll who looked completely scary.

“Do you have something for me?” he asked, as he extended his hand waiting for me to hand over what I got.

I don’t think I had a thing to give to him and it scared me knowing if I didn’t have anything in return then I’m going to be his lunch.

I slowly looked into my book bag seeing everything that was useless except my mom’s necklace, but I couldn’t just give that away and the stone of youth was mine.

Sorry mom.

I took out my mom shiny necklace with the color of topaz my mother favorite color that she wore for her wedding.

“Here.”  I closed my eyes shut hearing a silent chuckle.

“What is that?” the troll asked, not looking at my mom necklace but at the sling shot that I had made inside the monkgon lair.

“It’s a-a monkgon killer.” trying to make it sound extremely interesting.

The troll smiled like a child, “How does it work?” he asked,

“Will you fling it at the flying breathing fire monkgon and they explode.”

“Fun! I hate those creatures they keep stealing all my food. I’ll take it!”

I sadly gave him the sling shot to know he took something from me, “In return. Take this.” He handed me a small rock that shinned bright.

“I don’t find use of it. It’s a stupid rock.”

I smiled brightly, Thanks!” and ran down the bridge as I heard the troll laughing as explosive bombed everywhere.

Esmeralda, as I predicted was in the other side smiling as she saw me, “I knew you would come out alive!”

“Next, to the fire of The Immortals.” knowing I had to save the world including Damon and Erik. Then I had an extra wish was whether I saved Damon from Laurent or save Esmeralda.

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