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"Where is he?..." Klara muttered to herself as she glanced over at the clock on the the club room wall.

"He hasn't been here all day and it isn't like him to be this late..."

She then shakily picked up her phone and sent a message to him, "Are you okay? I'm starting to worry"

It took him about 10 minutes to reply and during that time Klara had managed to come up with various scenarios that could've lead to him being away from school like this, most of which made her worry even more.

She bit her lip as she checked her phone for the 5th time,this time almost dropping it as her phone buzzed with his reply which appeared on screen.

He wrote, "Hey, sorry I didn't mean to worry you. I've just felt a bit sick this morning so I didn't come. I thought I may have been able to come if I felt better in time for the club but I didn't. 

Again I'm sorry, I promise I'll keep you updated from here on out. I love you"

Upon finishing the reading of his message Klara felt her heart flutter slightly as she quickly packed up her violin, which she'd tried to play to calm her nerves, quickly closing the club room door behind her as she hurried out into the corridor.

(Klara in head) "I've never done this before..." Klara thought to herself as she headed to the school's front office.


"That felt... strange but... fun~" Klara whispered to herself as she began to jog away from the school.


"Hello Klara" One of the office staff greeted as they saw Klara approach sheepishly with her violin case in hand.

"Hello *cough* *cough*" Klara responded, feigning a cough as she began to speak further, "I've been feeling a it unwell today *cough*"

"Oh, you do sound a bit sick"

"Yeah I *cough* might go home for the rest of the *cough* day if that's alright..." Klara added, trying her best to act the part.

"Okay then, just sign here and you can go"

"Thank you *cough* *cough*" Klara muttered in reply, glad she had a good relationship with the office staff as she was far from a tardy student, thus making her escapade even easier.

"I hope you get well soon~"

---Flashback End---

"I just hope he's okay... And he's happy to see me..."


*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"I'm *cough* *cough* coming..." She heard his voice struggle to mutter in reply to her knocking.A more worried expression then formed on her face as she noted the time it was taking for him to cross the relatively small room.

"What are *cough* you doing here?~" Alexi asked in a joking tone as he opened the door and saw Klara standing before him with a surprised expression.

"What about you?!"


"You said you were just a bit sick! You look a bit worse than that to me!"

"Hahaha *cough* *cough* *cough* You're still as positive as ever~"

"Ah..." Klara then muttered, "S-Sorry..."

"It's *cough* *cough* fine~" Alexi relied with a smile, resting his hand on her shoulder.

"T-Thank you~" Klara responded softly, her smile changing to a gasp as she saw Alexi rush into the bathroom.

"Are you-" She started, cutting herself off as she heard him vomit into the toilet.


"I-I'm... *cough* f-fine..." He muttered to her, using the bathroom door as a support as he tried to walk out towards her.

Seeing this Klara quickly put down her violin case and wrapped her arm around him to keep him standing.

"Come on~" She whispered with caring eyes as she led him back to his bed.

"*Cough* *cough* Klara you-"

"Not a word! I wish you'd told me you were this sick sooner!"

"I'm sorry... I *cough* thought I might get better quickly *cough* *cough*"

Klara let out a sigh at his words, smiling slightly as she put the covers back over him.

"Next time just tell me when you're sick. I-It's m-my job to l-look after y-you~" Klara shakily said with a wide smile as she leaned down and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"I'll *cough* keep that in mind~" Alexi then replied.

"Good~" Klara responded, her expression changing to one of confusion as she heard Alexi begin to chuckle slightly.

"W-What's so funny?"

"*Cough* You~"


"You look so *cough* cute and flustered when you're *cough* *cough* nervous~"

"A-Ah..." Klara muttered, letting out a gasp as she felt Alexi pull her onto the bed on top of him.

"See~" He then jokingly said with a teasing smile, leaning his head up so his forehead touched her's.

After shaking off some of her nerves Klara then giggled slightly, "I love you~"

GUP - Sick Day  One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now