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"I guess you're right I *cough* cough*" Albert started, cutting himself off as he clutched his stomach while coughing.

"A-Are you okay?!" Erwin asked with a worried expression as she stopped next to him.

"Y-Yeah... I'm *cough* fine. I just feel a little sick is all"

"You should have stayed at home today!"

"You're *cough* *cough* probably right... But I wanted to come..."


"Oh you know *cough* *cough* to make sure I don't miss any school work~" Albert replied with a smirk and chuckle.

"A-Ah... R-Right..." Erwin responded, feeling a slight wave of disappointment wash over her.

"Anyway I..." Albert once again started, clutching his head and letting out groans of pain.


"I'm *cough* fine I'm..." Albert tried to speak, clutching nearby pole for support.

"I *cough* just feel a little light headed is all..." Albert then passed out falling forward towards the ground.

"No!" Erwin screamed as she reached out and grabbed his jacket stopping him from falling.

"Albert..." She muttered as she held him in her arms, "W-Wake up!"


"Please wake up..." Erwin once again muttered, glancing over at Albert lying unconscious in the medical bay bed.

"You know don't have to stay" A female nurse said to Erwin as she walked in to check on Albert's condition.

"I-I know... But I want to..."

"Awww~ Are you his girlfriend?~"

Erwin's face immediately heated up at the word 'girlfriend', turning bright red.

"Oh, I see you've at least considered it~" The nurse mused with a smirk.

"N-No I haven't!"



"That's too bad... I was hoping he'd have someone before he..."

Erwin let out a gasp at the nurses words "W-What?!"

"I'd rather not say..."

Erwin let out a series of short quick breaths as she processed the nurses words, feeling her hands begin to shake.

"A-Albert... P-P-Please don't leave m-me..." She muttered as she gripped his hand tightly with both of hers.

"Hahahaha~" The nurse burst into laughter upon seeing Erwin's reaction. "You know I'm joking right? He's fine, really. He'll wake up soon..."

"E-Eh?!" Erwin muttered as she processed her own reaction feeling her heart rate drastically increase as her face got even redder.

"W-What's going on?" Albert asked with a weary expression as he sat up in the bed, glancing down at Erwin's hands gripping his tightly.

"E-Erwin?!" He replied with a stutter, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment.

"A-Albert I... Uh..." Erwin muttered as she pulled her hands back and tried to work out what to say.

Meanwhile the female nurse watched on with a smirk, saying softly "You two are perfect for each other~"


After resolving their rather embarrassing moment, Erwin and Albert went right back to conversing about various topics related to World War 2 history. This conversation went on for hours and soon it was dark outside.

"Visiting time will be over soon~" The female nurse mused as she walked passed Albert's room, glancing back in the door with a smirk just in time to catch Erwin's saddened expression.

"Are you s-sure you'll be o-okay?..."

"Of course~" Albert replied with a smile "They said that now I've got some fluids in me I'll start getting better immediately~ I can certainly feel it~"

"How can you be smiling at a time like this?!"

"What do you mean?"

"You could've died! And I..." Erwin started feeling tears begin to well up in her eyes.

"I d-don't know what I'd do w-without you!" Erwin yelled through her tears covering her face with both hands as she continued to sob loudly.

Albert let out a small gasp, he'd never seen Erwin cry before and he knew he didn't like it. He leant forward and put his arms around her tentatively, feeling his heart rate increase as he pulled her closer and tighter.

Erwin also let out a small gasp once she realised what was happening but she also put her arms around him.

"You know why you see me smile so much Erwin?~"


"Because I-I'm always so happy to be around you..."

"A-Ah... Y-You c-can't mean that..."

"Of course I do~ You're even the one who gave me that nickname~"

"W-what do y-you mean?..."

"Smiling Albert~"

Erwin let out a small chuckle at his words and nuzzled her head into his chest.

"A-Albert... I..."

"I love you Erwin~" Albert said with a confident smile, squeezing her tighter.

"I-I l-love you t-too~"


Shortly after finished up her rounds the nurse returned to Albert's room to see if Erwin had left. 

Instead she saw Erwin curled up in bed next to Albert, her head resting on his chest.

She quietly walked over and put the blankets over both of them, a wide smile covering her face.

"I knew this would happen~"

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