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---Mako POV---

"See ya"


"Talk to you tomorrow"

"Don't oversleep gain!"

The four other members of Angler fish Team said as they parted ways with Mako. In the past she had spent time with with Saori before they both went home, but due to her now taking classes to obtain her radio operators license, Mako had a lot of free time on her hands.

With this free time, Mako frequented many different places to kill time. Which included but were not limited to, the school library, the local library and the local furniture shop. She had chosen these locations due to the fact that, generally at least, she could sleep as much as she wanted until she decided to go home.

Despite this, she'd found herself frequenting the school library more than any other location for a reason she'd hoped become known by the others...

"So are you with your boyfriend yet" Saori sent as a text to Mako knowing full well what she was up too. This caused Mako to stop in her tracks and blush slightly as she began to furiously type out a response with an angered expression.

"He's not my boyfriend! Just because we see each other everyday and have similar interests doesn't make us boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"Whatever you say" Saori texted back, causing Mako to sigh slightly. Continuing on her way to the library which was on the other side of the school grounds.

As she walked Saori's words kept echoing in Mako's head, especially one word.

"B-Boyfriend..." She muttered softly, casting her mind back to when they first met.

*A pile of books topples over*

"Oh crap...", Mako heard a whispering voice mutter. Raising from her sleeping position on a beanbag in the library to see what was going on.

Upon looking up she saw a guy with dark brown hair crouched on the ground re-stacking a large pile of books he'd knocked over.

Curious, Mako watched him for a moment before raising to her feet and walking over to help.

"Here you go." She muttered in a meek and shy voice, handing him a few books she'd piled up.

"Oh, thanks~" He replied with a wide smile, turning to look Mako in the eye.

"W-Would you like some help to pick these up..."

"Uh, sure if you wouldn't mind of course"

Mako nodded in response before quickly working to pick up the books...

After they'd finished, Mako and the guy she'd helped had started talking and were now sitting at one of the tables in the library.

"So your name is Mick?" Mako asked out of the blue, glancing down at the name on one of his school books that was one the table which read "Mick"

"Yep that's me, and what would your name be?"

"I'm Mako..." She replied shyly, not used to talking much with people she didn't know.

"Mako huh? That's a really pretty name~"

"U-Uh..." Mako stuttered, not used to be complimented.

"So w-why are you in the library today?" She asked shakily, trying to move the conversation along.

"Well I come to help out and study after school and..." Mick started, cutting himself off before continuing.

"And what?"

GUP - Sick Day  One shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora