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"Where is he?!" Katyusha yelled in frustration as she stood beside Nonna near the entrance to the Tankery yard.

"I don't know Katyusha..." Nonna replied as a worried expression formed on her face.

(Nonna in head) "Please be alright..."

Nonna then felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, after pulling it out she glanced down at it to see she had a message from Jack...

"I'm sorry I'm late. I was going to be there but I'm sort of too sick to go anywhere at the moment. I'll try and make it to school tomorrow, but I'll have to see if I'm feeling up to it. Either way, I hope to see you again soon. I love you Nonna"

Nonna gasped as she finished reading his message and felt her face heat up at his sweet words."Who was-" Katyusha started, cutting herself off when she saw Nonna's red face.

"So it was from Jack wasn't it~"

"H-How did you know?..."

"You always get so flustered whenever you get a message from him... or see him... or talk to him..." Katyusha said with a smirk.

"O-Of course I do! I love him!"

Katyusha laughed at her reply and asked, "So why is he late?"

"He's pretty sick today..."

"Oh..." Katyusha started, seeing Nonna's depressed yet thoughtful expression. "So are you going to go look after him?~"


"Well he's back at his apartment all by himself..."

Nonna once again gasped at her words as her thoughts settled on him being alone while he was sick.

(Nonna in head) "I'm a terrible girlfriend... I should've asked how he was feeling this morning and offered to look after him!"

"But if you don't want to, I'm sure Klara might-"

"D-Don't you t-tell her anything about this!"

Katyusha once again laughed at Nonna's reply, "Alright then, if you say so~"

"I'm going to his apartment..."

"Good~ I'll go start practice then~"

(Nonna in head) "I hope he's not mad at me..."


As Nonna approached Jack's door she heard intense coughing inside...

"*cough* *cough* *cough* oh god..."

Nonna gasped and fumbled with the key as she rushed to open the door. As she did she hurried inside and towards Jack's bed.

Upon hearing that someone was entering, Jack rose from his bed and wearily tried to stand up to see who it was. As he tried to rise out of bed he used his hand to help himself up, however he didn't have enough strength and found himself falling out of his bed and onto the cold, hard floor just as Nonna approached him...

"Jack!" she cried out as she saw him fall out of his bed in an attempt to greet her.

"*cough* *cough* ugh... N-Nonna?..."

"Oh god! Are you alright!" Nonna yelled frantically as she helped him up and back onto his bed."*cough* *cough* Yeah... I'm fine..." Jack replied softly as he laid back in his bed and took deep breathes to regain some strength.

While he was resting slightly, Jack heard whimpering beside him...


She didn't reply, instead she just let out a few more whimpers and a sniffle as she held her hands to her face...

"Hey *cough*, what's wrong?" Jack asked with a worried tone as he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"I... I..." Nonna tried to speak, feeling like she'd already failed at being a girlfriend.

"I-I'm a terrible g-g-girlfriend!" Nonna yelled in reply as tears fell out of her eyes.

"*cough* No you're not! *cough* *cough* Don't you dare think that!" Jack responded as he rubbed her back softly.

"I didn't h-help you today w-while you've been sick and... E-Even t-though I came to help, I m-made you g-get hurt!"

"*cough* What do you-" Jack started, cutting himself off as he remembered falling out of bed due to her coming in.

"Hahaha, *cough* *cough* that wasn't you're fault~"


"And it's *cough* my fault for not *cough* *cough* telling you I was sick~"

"E-Eh... I-I..."

"And I feel s-so much b-better *cough* just having you here~" Jack said as tears formed in his own eyes, hugging Nonna tightly.


"And I *cough* couldn't ask for *cough* *cough* anything better~" Jack added as he pulled away slightly and looked Nonna in the eye, leaning forward towards her...

He then gave her a short kiss before pulling back with a large smile, "See, I'm feeling better already~"

Nonna let out a small chuckle at his words and quickly leaned forward and hugged him tightly.

"*cough* *cough* Careful now~ You'll suffocate me~"

"S-Sorry..." She replied sheepishly as she pulled away from him an fidgeted with her hands.

"Hey, *cough* don't feel so upset okay?~" Jack said as he put a hand on her shoulder, seeing her discomfort.

"Come on~" he said softly as he lifted the covers and gestured for her to get in with him.

Nonna gasped and replied, "U-Uh... I-I..." as she tentatively got in next to him.

The pair then sat in silence for a short time before Nonna started to softly whimper again.

"I'm sorry I haven't looked after you very well..."

Jack let out a short sigh and pulled her close to him again under the covers.

"*cough* What do you mean?"

"I'm your girlfriend... I'm supposed to make you soup and stuff..."

"Hahaha *cough* *cough*, you don't have to do that~"


"Like I said, *cough* just having you here is enough~"

Nonna felt tears fall out of her eyes as she buried her face in his side, wrapping her arms around him, a wide smile forming on her face.

"I love you Jack~"

"I love you too~"

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