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"What a lovely day~" Darjeeling mused as she walked along the school ships upper deck with Orange Pekoe.

"Indeed it is~"

"If only..." Darjeeling trailed off, feeling her face heat up as she realised what she was about to say.

"If only what?"

"N-Never mind!"

Darjeeling then continued to walk with Pekoe a little further before her worrying overcame her.



"D-Do y-you think James is b-back y-yet?"

"Well he should've been discharged from the medical bay by now I guess..." Pekoe answered, not realising what she was saying.

"R-Really?! I-I should g-go look after him t-then!" Darjeeling proclaimed as she began to sprint away towards James' apartment.

"W-Wait! Darjeeling!" Orange Pekoe yelled, chasing her for a short while before stopping once she realised Darjeeling wasn't going to listen to her.

"I guess I better warn him..." Pekoe muttered to herself as she took out her phone...

---James POV---

"*cough* *cough* urg..." James muttered, lying flat on his back in bed.

He then heard his phone vibrate on his beside table and he reached his hand over to reach it.

"I *cough* wonder who it could be"

Once he looked at the screen he saw he had a text from Orange Pekoe, "Darjeeling is coming to look after you, good luck..."

"Darjeeling's coming?!" James asked himself out loud feeling a warm feeling in his heart, after all, he'd never had a girlfriend to look after him before.


After a reasonably long run, Darjeeling had reached James' apartment, softly knocking on the door twice.

"*cough* *cough* come in..." She heard a weak voice reply.

"J-James?" Darjeeling responded as she entered and closed the door behind her, walking towards James in his bed.

"Hey beautiful~" He said with a smile as he saw Darjeeling approaching him with a worried expression.

"Y-You l-look terrible!"

"*cough* Well thanks" James replied in a joking tone, letting out a chuckle.

Darjeeling let out a gasp once she realised what she'd said and grasped his hand tightly "I-I'm sorry I..."

"It's *cough* fine~"

"I'm r-really am h-happy to see you~" Darjeeling said as she leaned down and kissed him lightly.

"And I feel better already~" James mused with a wide smile.

"S-So how are you?" Darjeeling asked as she sat on the bed next to James.

"Pretty *cough* *cough* good thanks~"

"A-Are you s-sure?! D-Do you need me to get you anything?!" Darjeeling asked frantically, determined to take good care of him.

"I'm fine Darjeeling~" James responded, squeezing her hands tightly as he looked into her eyes.

"R-Right..." Darjeeling said with a still worried expression on her face.

"*cough* *cough* Really I'm fine~" James added, seeing her expression.

(Darjeeling in head) "There must be something I can do for him!"

"H-Have you e-eaten anything today?"

"Not really I *cough* didn't really have the *cough* *cough* strength to get up and make anything..."

(Darjeeling in head) "Perfect!"

"I'll make you something then~" Darjeeling said with a confident smile, rising to her feet as she went over to the small kitchen.

"You don't have to *cough* do that..."

"Of course I do! I'm you're girlfriend I have to take care of you..."

James let out a sigh at her words feeling the warm feeling in his heart return.

(James in head) "She really is too kind to me~"


"It's ready~" Darjeeling announced, waking James from a micro sleep he was having in between Darjeeling's musings...

"*cough* W-What did you make?"

"It's a surprise~" Darjeeling said with a confident smile.


(James in head) "Seriously, what could she have made? I had almost no ingredients..."

"Open wide~" Darjeeling said in a high pitched tone as she held a spoon in front of James' face.

"You don't have to-" James started, cutting himself off as he saw Darjeeling's smile begin to change into a frown, opening his mouth as instructed.

(James in head) "I don't know if she is doing that on purpose or not..."

James then took a bite of what Darjeeling had made. At first it tasted alright, but as he swallowed it his face began to scrunch up at the taste.

(James in head) "What the hell is this?!"

James tried his best not to show how bad it was and turned to see Darjeeling's expectant expression.

"So how was it?~" She asked with a wide smile.

"It was... *cough* *cough* A-Amazing~" James said with a smile in return, not wanting to hurt her feelings in any way.


"*cough* *cough* Of course~" James said, continuing to smile.

"I might try some then~" Darjeeling added causing James' smile to disappear.

(James in head) "Uh oh..."

A worried expression covered James' face as he watched Darjeeling take a bite of the food.

(Darjeeling in head) "This is horrible! I can't believe I gave this to him... He even told me it was good to make me feel better..."

"D-Darjeeling?..." James asked as he saw Darjeeling rise to her feet with tears in her eyes putting her two hands over her face.

"I-I'm s-so sorry..."

"*cough* *cough* W-Why?"

"I wanted to look after you but... A-All I did was insult you and make you something horrible to eat..."

James let out a small chuckle at her words as used all of his strength to get out of bed and walk over to Darjeeling, who was facing away from him sobbing softly.

"I don't care about that~" He whispered in her ear as he hugged her tightly from behind.

"B-But..." Darjeeling muttered as she turned around in James' arms, tears forming in her eyes as she thought she'd hurt her boyfriend in some way.

"P-Please don't hate me!" She yelled out as she wrapped her arms back around him tightly, burying her face in his chest.

"*cough* Darjeeling..."

"I l-love you s-so much! I just... I..."

"*cough* You know I could never *cough* hate you~ I appreciate everything you did today, and since you've been here I've felt so much better~"


James then leaned forward and kissed Darjeeling, "I'm s-sorry I'm s-such a mess..."

"*cough* *cough* It's fine~ Like I've said before, I love you just the way you are~"

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