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"What a beautiful day~" Yukari said to herself with a smile as she opened her window to start the morning.

She then walked down the stairs, her father greeting her as she entered the kitchen.

"Good morning princess~"

"Morning dad~"

"You're in a good mood today~" Yukari's mother mused.

"Of course I am~"

"It wouldn't be because of a certain someone would it?~"

"W-Well maybe..." Yukari replied, her face heating up at her mothers question.

"Make sure you tell him we said hi when you see him today then~" Her father added.

"I will~" Yukari responded with a smile, running out of the house with a smile.


*knock* *knock*

"*cough* *cough* *cough*" Ben spluttered, slightly rising from his bed, not sure if someone was really knocking or if he was just hearing things.

"B-Ben?..." Yukari asked tentatively, unsure if that was him she'd just heard.

"*cough* *cough* Is someone there?..."

"Y-Yes! It's me~"


"Of course~" She replied with a smile.

"*cough* *cough* Alright then, lets go~"

"Are you okay?" Yukari asked with a worried expression, noticing how sick he looked.

"I'm *cough* fine... I'm good *cough* *cough* to go~"

"If you say so..." She responded, not convinced he was in a state to do anything, much less go on a date.

As he began to close the door behind them, he hurriedly rushed back inside and into the bathroom.

Yukari then heard him throw up and flush to toilet.

"It's *cough* *cough* alright *cough* it's mostly water..." Ben muttered as he shut the bathroom door and walked back towards Yukari.

When he reached her he was met with a hand on his chest, "You're too sick..."

"Yukari I'm fine *cough* really~"

"Go ten seconds without coughing then..."

"Alright..." Ben replied, doing his best to stop himself, not wanting to ruin their date."*cough*" He spluttered after a mere six seconds.

"Exactly!" Yukari mused as she pushed him back inside and into his bed.

"But Yukari-"

"Don't even think about it! You're staying in bed and that's final!"

"*cough* *cough* Okay..."


After insisting on tucking him into bed, Yukari then made Ben some soup and was now sitting at his bedside with a worried expression.

(Ben in head) "I really screwed up today..."

"Hey *cough* Yukari?..."

"What is it? Do you need something?~"

"I'm *cough* *cough* sorry about today..."

"It's fine~" Yukari responded with a smile, leaning down and lightly kissing his forehead.

"But *cough* today was our anniversary and I *cough* *cough* really wanted to do something special for you..."

Yukari gasped at his words and felt her face heat up.

(Yukari in head) "He remembered our anniversary! So that's why he wanted to go on a date today..."

"But instead *cough* *cough* You're here looking after me..."

Yukari let out a short sigh, a wide smile forming on her face.

"I'm just happy to be with you~" She responded, snuggling up beside him in bed, burying her face in his chest.

"But I really wanted to *cough* show you how much you mean to me"

"H-How much is that e-exactly?..." Yukari asked shakily, feeling her heart rate increase.

Ben let out a small chuckle at her words and hugged her tightly, "More than anything~"

Yukari then let out a soft whimper as she pulled him tighter, lifting her head slightly to place a kiss on his lips.

"*cough* *cough* You didn't think that through you know~ You'll probably get sick now as well~" Ben mused with a smile.

"That's the plan~" Yukari replied jokingly.

"What?! *cough* *cough* You want to be sick?!"

"Of course, then I'll get to see how you'll react to me being unwell~"

"Well I'm glad you're *cough* getting something out of this~" He mused as he kissed her again, this time more slowly and for a longer time.

Yukari let out another whimper at this, hugging him tightly again as they parted, a smile reforming on her lips.

The pair then slowly drifted off to asleep, holding each other tightly...

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