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"You're certainly in a good mood Katyusha" Nonna said as Katyusha rocked happily upon her shoulders.

"Of course I am! I'm always happy when we have practice"

"Oh?" Nonna said with a chuckle "Would it be because of a certain someone perhaps?"

Katyusha's face began to heat up at Nonna's words and she began to climb down "I-I don't know what you mean!"

"I'm sure you do"

"I don't!" Katyusha yelled at the top of her lungs, clenching her eyes shut as the blush on her face grew.

"I-" Katyusha started before she felt her phone vibrate with a message which read, "Hey, I'm sorry I can't make it practice today, or probably tomorrow for that matter. I'm pretty sick so I'll be out of school for a few days."

As Katyusha read the message her face dropped into a frown, "What is it Katyusha?"

"N-Nothing! I-It's just that Yuri said he's sick so he can't make it to practice..."

"Oh... Alright then"

"Yeah... So... er... I might not be at practice today e-either..."

"Why is that?"

"I... um... I just realised I have to do something!" Katyusha stuttered out as she began to walk away from Nonna as quick as she could.

"Alright then. Tell Yuri I hope he gets well soon" Nonna said with a laugh.

"H-How do you know I-I'm going to see him?!"

"It's very obvious Katyusha"

"I-It's not obvious at all! Y-You don't know what you're talking about!" Katyusha responded as she continued walking away from Nonna and towards Yuri's apartment...


As Katyusha reached Yuri's apartment and reached her hand towards the door handle, she stopped herself, "What if he doesn't want to s-see me?..."


Katyusha gasped upon hearing Yuri's moan of pain and quickly opened the door and closed it behind her as she hurried over to Yuri, who was lying in his bed with one of his arms over his face.

"Y-Yuri..." She said softly as she gently poked his chest.

"Urg... K-Katyusha... is that you?...", He muttered as he let out a cough.

"Yeah it's me..."

"What are you doing here?..." Yuri asked with a husky voice as he continued to hold on of his arms over his face, hiding it from view.

"I... I came to see why you weren't at practice!" Katyusha yelled, trying not to let him know she was worried about him.

"D-Did you not get my message?...", He muttered as another moan of pain escaped his mouth.

"Well I did but... I had to see for myself if you were really sick or not!"

"Well now you know..."

"Y-Yeah I-I do..."

A brief silence then ensued between the pair before Yuri broke it, "I'm confused though... Why did you come all this way to see if I was sick?"

He asked as he moved his arm and looked up into her eyes.

"I... er..." Katyusha started, feeling her face heat up as she thought of the real reason she came.

"Don't worry about it... I know you  just wanted to check if I was trying to get out of practice...",  Yuri then responded with a sigh,

"T-That's not the only reason!" Katyusha blurted out without thinking, causing her face to heat up even more.

"R-Really?*" Yuri asked curiously as he removed his arm and faced Katyusha again, who was sitting on a small stool right at his bedside.

Upon making eye contact with him, Katyusha's blush grew more and she began to stutter wildly "I-I... U-Um... I..."

"Are you alright Katyusha?"

"I'm fine!" Katyusha yelled as she clenched her eyes shut, realising that he noticed her stuttering and her now bright red face.

"L-Look... the real reason I c-came to see you is because I... I was worried about you..." she muttered softly as she continued to keep her eyes shut firmly.



"B-But you said-" Yuri started, feeling his own face begin to heat up, before he was cut of by Katyusha.

"I know what I said! I was just too nervous to tell you..."

"Why?", He replied with a sniffle.

"I... I thought you'd laugh at m-me..."

"You know I'd never do that Katyusha" Yuri said as he extended his hand towards her and rested it on her shoulder.

Katyusha looked deeply back into Yuri's eyes as he did this, her heart beating faster than it ever had before.

"I... I should go!" Katyusha yelled as she rose from her seat and started to shakily move towards the door, her nerves getting the better of her.

"Wait!" Yuri muttered, causing Katyusha to stop in her tracks "P-Please don't go!"

"B-But I-"

"Please... I've felt s-so much better since you've been here..."

Katyusha let out a small gasp at Yuri's words and turned around slowly, her hands fidgeting in front of her.

"Y-You can't m-mean that!"

"I... I do" Yuri said with a smile as he set up in his bed slightly.

"I-" Yuri tried to speak, however was cut off by a coughing fit.

"Y-Yuri!" Katyusha yelled as she ran over and hugged him tightly "I-It's a-alright! I-I'm n-not going anywhere"

"Urg... K-Katyusha..." Yuri muttered out as he stopped coughing, opening his eyes and noticing that she was hugging him tightly.

Katyusha then began to let go of him and move herself back, however she was stopped when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back towards him.

" W-Wait! Please don't go..." Yuri said weakly as he held her tightly.


"I really care about you Katyusha... Actually I... I love you" Yuri stuttered out, trying to stop himself from coughing as he felt his face heat up.

"You do?! R-Really?"


"Well I... I'm not s-surprised you feel that way about Katyusha~ Most guys do after all~" Katyusha said as she tried to reign in her nerves by asserting her superiority to herself.

"I know... I know I'm not good  enough for you but I... I just w-wanted you to know...", He added with a sniffle and a cough.

Katyusha gasped at what Yuri said and realised that she went to far with what she'd said.

She pulled Yuri back towards her as tight as she could and muttered through tear filled eyes, "No! T-That's not what I meant at all! I love you! I love you s-so much! Please don't put yourself down like that! It's me that's not good enough for you!"

As Katyusha sobbed into his chest, Yuri's heart raced as he processed her words. He then pulled back from her hug slightly and lifted her head up by placing a hand under her chin, using the other hand to wipe away her tears.

"You're perfect to me Katyusha", He whispered softly

"Not as perfect as you are to me..."

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