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"Urgh..." George muttered to himself as he slowly locked his door behind him.

"Time for school..." He added as he raised a hand to his head, rubbing slightly due to the painful headache he had.

As he started down the corridor, he felt his legs go faint as he stumbled towards the wall, using to hold himself up.

"George!" He heard a familiar voice cry out. "Urg... K-Kay?!" George replied as he turned just in time to see her running towards him with a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong?! Are you alright?!" Kay asked hurriedly as she rested a hand on his shoulder, looking into his eyes.

"I'm *cough* *cough* a bit sick *cough*..."

"I can see!" Kay yelled in reply, "So what do you think you're doing with your bag and school uniform?!"

"W-Well I *cough* c-can't miss school. *cough* *cough* We've got Tankery practice today..."

"Forget about that! I don't want you over exerting yourself because of that!"


"That's an order!" Kay replied, not usually being firm. However she knew that George's stubbornness combined with his determination meant that he really would go to school and practice regardless of how sick he was...

"*cough* If you say so..." George responded, lowering his head in shame. "I'm sorry Kay..."

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because... *cough* Because I'm letting you *cough* down..."

Kay gasped at his words, "Y-You're n-not letting me down at all!"

George said nothing for a moment, before a small smile formed on his face. "Thank you Kay, you're always *cough* looking out for me~"

"Y-You're welcome~" Kay said as a light blush formed on her face.

"Anyway... *cough* I should *cough* go back inside and rest I guess..."

"Y-Yeah..." Kay said dejectedly, realising that she wouldn't see him for the rest of the day. She then watched him approach his door and unlock it slowly.

"W-Wait! G-George!" Kay quickly called out just as he was going inside.

"*cough* What is it Kay?"

"I... er..." Kay started to stutter majorly as she realised what she was doing.

"I'll... um..." as she continued to stutter her face began to heat up more and more.

(Kay in head) "Just say it already!"

"I-I'll s-stay a-and... l-look after you!"

George was shocked at her words and a light blush formed on his own face at the thought, but he still replied with "Y-You *cough* don't have to *cough* do that Kay~"

"O-Of course I do! I... er... I don't want your sickness getting any worse, you won't be able to participate in practice matches!" Kay quickly retorted, trying to think of any excuse she could to avoid saying the real reason she wanted to stay.

"But *cough* *cough* *cough*" George began to respond but he was cut off by a coughing fit which caused him to lean forward clutch his chest as he coughed.

Kay saw this and closed the distance between him and her. She put on of her hands on his back while using the other to slowly close the door behind them as they moved inside. Once she'd done this, she helped George remove his back pack, and sit on his bed.

"Kay-" He started before he was cut of by Kay.

"I don't want to hear it! I'm staying and that's final!"

"Alright Kay~ *cough*" George replied with a smile as he looked her in the eye. "Thank you~"

"Y-You're welcome as a-always~" Kay replied with smile, fidgeting her hands in front of her out of fear.

"I *cough* should probably get *cough* changed though..." George said as he rose from his bed slowly and grabbed some normal clothes to wear instead of his uniform.


"I'll be back in a *cough* minute~" George said as he walked over towards his small bathroom to get changed.

(Kay in head) "It's totally fine! There's nothing strange about me doing this for him at all. He won't suspect a thing..."

(George in head) "I can't believe Kay wants to look after me like this. It's almost like..."


After a short time, George emerged from the bathroom and was swiftly grabbed by Kay...

"In to bed~" She said as she pushed his back.

"Okay, Okay~" He replied as he lifted the blankets and got in the bed.

"*cough* Are *cough* you happy now?~ *cough*" He said jokingly.

"N-No I'm n-not..." Kay said with a saddened expression.

"W-What's *cough* wrong?" George replied, worriedly.

"My best friend is really sick! That's what's wrong!" Kay said with a completely red face.

"Kay I..."

"A-And I... I w-wish I could make you f-feel b-better..." Kay added nervously, resting her hands on the bed to stop them from shaking.

"*cough* Kay..." George said softly with a light smile as he rested his hands on her's, "You've already done that~"

"W-What?!" Kay replied, shocked by both his words and the feeling of his hands on her's.

"I've *cough* *cough* felt b-better j-just having you h-here~" He responded with a stuttering tone, feeling his face heat up at his own words.

"E-Eh... I..." Kay didn't know how to reply, her breathes were short and her heart rate was high as she looked deeply into his eyes.

"I *cough* always f-feel h-happier when I'm w-with *cough* y-you~"

"Y-You d-do?..." Kay asked with a surprised tone, not expecting this at all...


A small smile then formed on Kay's face and she let out a small chuckle, "Y-You m-make me m-much happier t-too~"

George gasped at her response and felt his own hands began to shake as she held them softly, tilting her head in towards his with her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted.

In response George lifted his head slightly and the pair shared a short kiss...

As the pair began to pull away from each other, he pushed his head forward slightly so that their foreheads were touching.

"I love you Kay~"

"I love you too~"

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