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"Dismissed!" Commander Nishi called out as the rest of the tankery team before her bowed and began to disperse and walk off in different directions.

As she watched everyone leave Nishi craned her head around slightly, looking for a familiar face in the crowd.

(Nishi in head) "Where is he?..."

She looked around for a few moments more before sighting who she was looking for. She noticed him stop, hold tissue up to his face for a moment and then continue to walk away.

(Nishi in head) "Aha!"

Upon seeing him begin to leave Nishi quickly began to jog towards him calling out his name as she approached.

"Hey Koga!"

"Hm? Oh *cough* *cough* h-hey Nishi~"

"Hey~" Nishi replied as a wide smile covered her face, always happy to see him. This smile however quickly changed to an expression of confusion as she watched him begin to cough violently before her.

"How are y- *cough* *cough* *cough*" He spluttered out, reaching into his pocket to pull out another tissue.

"Are you okay?" She asked in a slightly worried tone, placing her right hand on his shoulder as he continued to cough.

"Yeah I *cough* *cough* I've just got a *cough* bad cold..."

"If you're sick then why did you come to practice?!"

"Because I *cough* was eager to hear about *cough* *cough* those new tactics you *cough* discussed the other day..." He replied softly.

"Plus I didn't want to miss out on seeing you..." He added under his breath in a whisper, leading to Nishi gasping slightly.

"A-Ah..." Nishi stuttered, unsure how to respond.

"Y-You-" She started, stopping as he bent over in front of her and vomited on the floor, almost falling to his knees.

"Koga!" She yelled as she stepped closer to him and held him up.

"Are you okay?!"

"Y-Yeah *cough*..." He replied slowly, not making eyes contact out of embarrassment.

"Come on~" Nishi whispered as she began to lead him away from the training area.

"W-Where are *cough* we going?..." He asked, feeling his heart rate increase from her being this close while having one of her arms wrapped around him.

"I'm taking you to your apartment~"

"Oh... That's a *cough* *cough* good idea..." Koga replied, feeling himself start to drift off from the tiredness the sickness was causing him...


"Urg my head..." Koga muttered to himself as he sat up slightly, turning his head to the left and realising that he was in his bed.

"How..." He started, stopping himself as he looked the other way and saw Nishi standing in front of the oven across the room.

"*cough* *cough*..."

"You're awake! Thank god..." Nishi said gleefully, turning towards the bed and walking over.

"W-What *cough* happened?..."

"You passed out, remember?"

"Oh yeah... I *cough* remember... W-Wait! D-Does that mean you carried me all the way here?!"

Nishi chuckle slightly at his words, "Pretty much~"

"B-But *cough* w-why?!"

Nishi then blushed slightly as she responded, "B-Because I... I really c-care about you and... and well I..."

A high pitched sound then interrupted Nishi causing her to jump slightly as she turned and saw that the kettle had boiled.

"I-I should get that..." She muttered softly, raising to her feet and walking over to it.

(Koga in head) "What the hell was she about to say?! And why was she blushing so much?! It couldn't be that... Could it?..."

(Nishi in head) "I really am a coward aren't I?... I can't even tell him my feelings without letting my nerves overcome me..."


After walking to the kettle Nishi made herself and Koga some tea and talked for a while about what tactics they'd be using during their upcoming match against Ooarai.

"That's brilliant~" Koga complimented as he continued to listen to Nishi strategy for defeating Ooarai and how Fukada had given her some insight about getting their Tankery team to act in a disciplined manner.

"Thanks~" Nishi replied with a slight giggle, lifting her hand up to her head to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I also think that we should..." Nishi started again, stopping as she noticed Koga staring intently at her with a wide smile.

"I-Is t-there something on my face?..."

"Huh?" Koga replied, snapping back to reality.

"N-No there's not! It's *cough* just that... I noticed t-that you're *cough* *cough* pretty eyes really suit the rest of you~"

"A-Ah... Y-You..." Nishi stuttered feeling her hand shake slightly at his compliment.

"T-Thank you I-I... T-That r-really means a lot to me~"

"Also I *cough* *cough* wanted to thank you... Y-You carried me all the w-way here and now... Y-You're *cough* looking after me and... I..."

"I-I did it because I love you..." Nishi whispered softly, clenching her eyes shut as she did.

"W-W-What d-did you just s-say?..." Koga asked in a completely shaky tone, sure that must've been hearing things.

"I... I love you!" Nishi announced as she leaned forward slightly and shakily took his hand in hers.

"Y-You may n-not feel the s-same but I really do..." She added, squeezing his hand with a slight whimper.

"Nishi I... *cough* *cough*"

"Y-You mean so m-much to me and-" Nishi frantically yelled, tears forming in her eyes as she thought he was going to reject her confession.

She then opened her mouth to speak again but was stopped as Koga leaned forward himself and pushed his lips against her's, causing her to let out another high pitched whimper.

Their kiss last for a few more moments before they slowly parted.

"K-Koga...", She muttered, her mind having gone blank.

Koga smiled and leaned forward and kissed her lightly once again.

"I love you too~"

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