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"I better get going, I'm so late!", Fukuda said to herself as she glanced at her watch and almost clumsily fell over while running down the corridor.

Picking herself up and continuing on her way she soon found herself approaching her destination, the tankery fields on the far side of the school.

As she approached she was greeted by Nishi, "Ah, Fukuda you're finally here"

"S-Sorry Commander!", Fukuda quickly responded.

"Alright everyone! Let's prepare for practice!", Nishi then announced.

As everyone headed off to their vehicles Fukuda glanced over towards a certain someone's tank and crew, noticing their absence.

"Commander Nishi?", She then asked as she turned from her approach to her own tank and towards her commander.

"Yes Fukuda?"

"Where's Sadao? His crew and tank aren't here today I noticed"

"Ah yes, he called ahead earlier today to tell me that he wasn't feeling well and was staying home today. Seeing as he and his crew usually work so hard I gave them all the day off for today"

"Oh...", Fukuda muttered as her expression dropped slightly.

Nishi noticed this as a confused expression formed on her face for a moment before returning to what she was doing.


As practice came to and end Fukuda jumped down from her tank and leaned back against it as she slipped her phone out of her pocket.

Biting her lip slightly she sent a text to Sadao saying, "Hey, I heard you're not feeling well. Are you okay?"

Shuffling on the spot as she awaited his reply, Fukuda glanced to her right as she heard footsteps approaching her.

"You did well today Fukuda, but you seem a bit distracted. Is something wrong?", Nishi asked.

"Well I...", Fukuda started, stopping as she heard her phone ping in her hand. Turning her phone over in her hand to read the reply she just received. As she did so Nishi glanced towards her phone and saw the message.

"Oh...", Nishi muttered as she tried to hold back a smirk.

"Well I'm glad to see you still care so much for him"

"W-What?!! I-I'm j-just ah...", Fukuda tried to rebut as she tripped over her own words.

Nishi chuckled at this display and tapped her on the shoulder a few times before starting to walk away.

Looking down at her phone again she read out his full message, "Hey, yeah sorry I've been sick with the flu for a bit so I may be away from practice and school for a while"

Biting her lip again Fukuda started to write her reply as she began to walk away from the practice area and towards the school's main gate as the day was coming to an end.

"So are you doing okay? Do you need anything?", Fukuda sent as a message to him as she headed off.

"I should be okay, thanks for asking though", he responded after Fukuda had just made it out of the school.

Despite her nervousness Fukuda then wrote, "Would you like me to come over and take care of you?"

She took in a few deep breaths as she read over the message before forcing herself to press the send button, as she did she quickly put her phone away and sat down on a nearby bench. Feeling her heart rate shoot up while even more heat rose to her face.

After waiting for a few moments she heard her phone ping, indicating a reply had been set to her. She took another moment to breathe before taking her phone out and reading his reply.

"Well if you're not busy, I don't want top bother you. Surely you have better things to do"

"Not at all! I'd be happy to!", Fukuda responded as she quickly rose to her feet and started to jog towards his apartment.

"Thanks Fukuda, you're so kind to me..."

Her expression softened as she read his reply while still being on the move.

"I'll always be here for you", she typed and sent almost without thinking.


A short while after sending her last message she arrived at Sadao's apartment, noting that he hadn't replied to her message yet.

She softly knocked on the door a few times and was surprised to hear no reply. Shakily, she then took out the spare key he'd given her and used it to open the door. As she entered she saw him lying asleep on his bed, his phone having slipped out of his hand and onto his chest.

Softly closing the door behind her she then approached him, noticing that his phone was still on and unlocked. Glancing at it for a moment she saw a message that had been unsent in reply to what she's last sent to him.

It read, "I'm really glad to hear that, that's just one of the things I really like about you after all. That and many other things..."

She let out a slight gasp upon reading it and felt a bashful expression form on her face as her expression softened.

She then took the phone slowly off his chest and placed it on his bedside table, pulling the bed covers over him. As she did so she took a moment to look at his innocent sleeping face, slowly lowering her hand to place it on his forehead.

"You're so cute when you sleep", she whispered with a giggle as she removed her hand.

"And you're so sweet", she then heard a soft voice reply causing her to gasp loudly.

"Thank you for coming Fukuda", he then added as he opened his eyes and looked into hers.

"You're welcome", she responded as she looked into his eyes with a wide smile. Sitting on the side of the bed and leaning down closer to him...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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