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"So did you hear?" Andou asked as she, Oshida and Marie walked to their last class of the day.

"Hear what?" Oshida replied.

"Charles got sick..."

Upon hearing this, Marie gasped in shock and her heart began racing, something that didn't happen to her often.

"I-Is he o-okay?" Marie stuttered uncharacteristically, causing Andou and Oshida to look back at her curiously.

"I think so, he stayed at home today though" Andou responded.

"O-Oh... T-That's g-good then..." Marie replied with a dejected expression, her heart still racing.

"Yeah..." Oshida added, wondering why Marie was acting so strangely.


After a bit longer walking, and a lot of thought, Marie had made up her mind...

"I-I might g-go home ..." She started causing Oshida and Andou to turn and face her again "I'm not f-feeling t-too w-well myself..."

Andou and Oshida looked to each other then back to Marie.

"Okay..." Andou answered puzzled expression.

"I-I'll see you two l-later..." Marie said as she began to walk back the way they had come.

"What's up with her?" Oshida asked Andou.

"I have no idea..."


After getting far enough away from Andou and Oshida, Marie began running in the direction of Charles' apartment. This run, though not very long, tired Marie out quite a bit. Despite this, she kept reminding herself of why she was running, "I need to make sure he's okay!"

Soon Marie reached his apartment. Knowing that he didn't lock his door during the day, Marie softly opened the door and moved inside, closing it behind her.

She walked past the kitchenette and small bathroom and saw Charles lying asleep on a bed at the back of his small apartment.

As sh got closer to him she felt her heart beat faster and faster, as her hands began to fidget in front of her. Her feelings for him had brought her here, but that didn't mean she wasn't nervous.

She quickly pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down watching as Charles slept in front of her, letting out a small chuckle to herself as a smile formed on her lips, "He's cute while he's sleeping~"

Marie then mindlessly reached out one of her hands and softly stroked his face, the smile on her face growing.

"Uh..." Charles let out a small moan of pain as he awoke from his sleep.

Marie gasped and jerked her hand back quickly, "Uh... I..." she stuttered as Charles rubbed his eyes in front of her.

After finishing this, Charles partially sat up and turned to his right...


"U-Uh... H-Hey..." Marie stuttered out as a blush grew on her face and her heart rate again began to climb.

"What are *cough* you *cough* doing here?..." Charles muttered while coughing and spluttering profusely.

"I-I'm here to l-look after y-you..." Marie with a higher pitched voice than normal, her nerves getting the better of her as the blush on her face grew.

"Y-You *cough* didn't need to *cough* come all this *cough* way *cough* *cough* *cough*" Charles said through more coughing as he began to clutch his stomach.

Seeing this, Marie gasped and quickly used one of her hands to take his and the other to gently push him back down into the bed, "It's alright, just rest~" she said with a sweet smile.

"T-Thank you Marie~ *cough* You're too k-kind to me..."

Marie sheepishly looked away once she realised she was still holding his hand.

"I... I j-just don't like s-seeing you sick, I w-want to m-make you feel better..." She replied, gasping again when she felt him squeeze her hand slightly...

"*cough* I feel better just seeing your pretty face~" Charles said with a soft smile as Marie again looked away, trying to hide the fact she was blushing.

"Now you're being too kind to me..."

"Says the one w-who *cough* came to h-help me *cough* since I-I'm sick..."

"I... I had to..."

"D-Don't y-you have *cough* school?..."

Marie thought over his words, and her feelings. She then turned back to him and looked him in the eyes, "I... I d-don't care about t-that! I care m-more about you..." she stuttered out frantically as she squeezed his hand tighter, feeling her nerves begin to overcome her.

"R-Really? *cough*"

"Yes! You m-mean so m-much to me..." Marie said as she let out a sniffle, tears forming in her eyes. "I... I know y-you d-don't feel the s-same way about m-me, b-but..."

"*cough* Of course I do~" Charles said as he lurched forward and wrapped his arms around Marie "Y-You mean a l-lot to me too~"

Marie started sniffling more as tears began to roll down her face, her arms tightly holding Charles' back, refusing to let go.

"D-Do you m-mean that?!"

Charles then pulled away from her slightly, still holding her shoulders and softly leant forward, resting his forehead on her's.

"I l-love you M-Marie, I really do~"

Marie gasped loudly before leaning forward herself, planting her lips onto his.

After a short time the pair pulled apart, "You know y-you could get sick n-now right? *cough*"

"I don't care~" Marie said happily as she wrapped her arms around him into a hug again.

"I t-thought *cough* you'd say t-that~" Charles mused as he began to let go of Marie.

"W-Wait! C-Can we s-stay like t-this a little l-longer?... I-It feels r-really nice..." Marie said through tear filled eyes as she gripped him tighter.

"S-Sure, I'd love to *cough*"

"T-Thank y-you~" Marie said as a smile grew on her face "Y-You always indulge m-me, n-no matter w-what I ask~"

"T-This time I don't *cough* even need to think twice~" Charles replied in a joking tone.


After staying in the hugging position for literally ten minutes, Charles began to get a headache and wanted to lie down...



"C-Can I *cough* l-lie back down now?..."

"Only if you p-promise you'll b-be my b-boyfriend..."

"Haha, of c-course I *cough* will~ I l-love you a-after all~"

"A-And you won't d-dump me?"

"W-Why would I do that? *cough* *cough*"

"W-What if you found a b-better girl?..."

Charles then forcefully pulled back from her and once again rested his forehead on Marie's.

"No one's better than you~"

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