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"Finally another day of school is over", Keiko said to herself as she walked out of the school gate and down towards the Tankery sheds.

As she got closer she heard a someone coughing loudly inside peering her head in she heard it again emanating from underneath the nearby tank followed by a sniffle.

"Andrew?...", she asked with a curious tone as she walked inside.

"Yeah?...", He responded weakly as he slid out from underneath the tank and looked up at her with a dreary expression.

"What's up with you?" she asked with a slightly worried tone. Slipping her bag down off her shoulder and kneeling beside him as he sat up.

"Just got a bug or something", He responded nonchalantly as he blew his nose.

"Then why are you here working?!"

"Someone has to do it", he responded with a chuckle as he walked over to a nearby bench and had a drink of water.

"Leave that for me and the others, for now you need to rest", she replied. Walking over towards him.

"But-", he started stopping as she interrupted him.

"No buts, I'm taking you home right now", she responded. Grabbing his hand and practically dragging him out of the shed.

"But Keiko I-", He started. Stopping as he started coughing wildly.

"See? You're not well, you need to rest up"

"Okay then...", Andrew relented with another soft cough.


"There, now stay put and rest up", Keiko said as she held the back of her hand to his forehead.

"You're such a good friend Keiko", Andrew said with a chuckle as his face turned slightly red.

"Well someone has to look after you...", she muttered as she turned away bashfully, moving her hand away from him slowly.

"That's true I suppose, I'm glad it's you though..."

"W-Well I...", She replied with a whimper. Letting out a sigh at her inability to say what she wanted to say.

Andrew sat for a moment before a cough broke his silence, " A-Anyway, are you going to head back to the shed now?..."

"I probably should but... I could... Stay if you wanted...", She muttered softly as she turned back towards him.

"I'd like that", he replied with a smile. Causing her to blush slightly and smile back.

"S-So do you feel like sleeping or?", she then asked, tentatively sitting on the side of the bed next to him.

"I'm not really tired to be honest. Maybe we could watch a movie or something?", He asked with a sniffle.

"Sure!", she responded quite enthusiastically. Bashfully turning away once again in embarrassment.

"Well let's get to it then", Andrew then spoke as he slowly rose to his feet and walked over towards the television.


After watching a couple of movies together for a few hours the pair had started to relax and become much more at home together. They'd been close friends for years but hadn't really spent time together like this since they were much younger.

At first tentative to sit close together over the course of the last few hours they'd slid and snuck closer and closer together until they were essentially snuggled up against one another.

 Something that had made both of them nervous yet happy at the same time.

"So what would you like to-", Keiko asked as their second movie came to an end, glancing over towards Andrew who was leaning against her shoulder softly. She stopped however once she saw that he was sleeping soundly still leaning against her.

Her face turned bright red at this but a smile crept onto her face as she carefully lowered his head down onto his pillow and slipped off the bed to turn of the television.

She then turned back towards the bed and bit her lip for a moment as she turned off the light switch.

"Should I?...", She muttered to herself softly as she stepped slowly towards the bed.


"Morning Keiko", Andrew greeted with a smile as he sat up slightly and stretched his arms up into the air. Happy to feel that his throat was no longer sore and his coughing had stopped.

However this elation was stopped as a surprised expression formed on his face as he realised what he'd just said and watched Keiko sleepily rub her eyes and sit up next to him.

"Morning...", She muttered softly.

"Ah... I-I'm feeling better from the flu...", she softly muttered as he tried to piece things together in his head.

"That's good" She whispered as she leaned over against him still half asleep.

"A-Ah Keiko?...", he added causing her eyes to shoot open as she woke up and realised that she wasn't just dreaming.

"A-A-Andrew I u-uh...", she stuttered as her face turned bright red and she held it in her hands.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't ask i-if I could...", she added as she tentatively lowered her hands.

She then let out a loud gasp as she felt him lightly kiss her cheek, turning towards him with surprised expression.

"It's okay", he replied with a smile and chuckle.

"You look cute while you sleep by the way", he added.

Keiko looked at him for a moment as he chuckled away still blushing wildly before leaning forward and kissing him on the lips, causing him to stop and appear speechless for a moment.

She then giggled softly as the pair leaned in and rested their foreheads together.

"I love you", they then whispered in unison.

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