Thirty Five

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Walking back to my house I couldn't help the large grin plastered on my face. I was ecstatic, feeling as though I was on top of the world. It had been awhile since I had felt so alive and happy. I was so glad that he and I had solved things, even if we didn't discuss a lot we still said what we needed to say.
We both admitted that we loved each other which was still kind of mind boggling to be honest. I had never imagined myself falling in love so quickly. I remember my grandmother had told me the story of her first love. She had said that it only took her two weeks to fall in love, something that I found completely ridiculous. I figured it should take much longer than that until you love someone.
I chuckled quietly to myself, feeling giddy as ever.
Just hearing someone admit that they loved me was heart warming. It gave me a sense of pride and confidence. It was just wonderful.
Gosh I must look like a complete fool with red cheeks and a wide grin. But to be honest I didn't care.
I entered my house, and moved towards the living area.
I stood silently in the entry way, watching my mother as she sat reading a book.
Ever since I told her that I didn't want to be apart of the NYES society and Liam's attack she's been distant and cold towards me. I mean I really didn't expect anything else, but it was kind of frustrating how my mother couldn't just be warm and welcoming. Never, in my 18 years has she ever been that.

"Mother, I'm back." I interrupted her reading.
She looked up at me, that same straight line covering her mouth.
"Where were you?"
"I walked down to the lake. Needed some time alone." I answered.

She nodded before standing up and placing her book down.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour." She said before pushing past me and leaving the room.

I sighed, ignoring the burning feeling in my chest. If there was one thing I wished, it was to have an affectionate and loving mother.
One who wouldn't mind if I said 'mom' instead of 'mother'.


"So it's all good between you two?" Aria asked as she laid on my bed the next day.
I nodded with a smile, joy bursting as I thought of Zayn.
Just thinking about him made me feel things.
"Oh, well good. It's nice to see you smiling again." She said honestly.
I walked over, flopping down beside her.
"Yeah, I feel so much better. I never thought something could make feel" I paused trying to think of the word.
"So happy? Content? Joyful?" Aria said with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah!" I smiled.
She smiled back, "I understand how that feels." Her eyes shifted over to my window before they glazed over.

I looked at her for a moment, cocking my head to the side.
"Harry makes you feel that way." I stated the obvious.
At the mention of his name her lips twitched upwards. "Yeah...he does."
"How are you two?" I asked, suddenly feeling guilty as I thought of how much attention had been on me and Zayn instead of her and Harry. I was so inconsiderate.

Aria bit her lip before looking back at me.

"We've been inseperable Eliza...I've been sneaking off nearly every single day just to see him!" she exclaimed with wide eyes and grin.

I grinned back her, "Really?"

She nodded, swiping her blonde hair off to one shoulder.

"I love him...very much." she muttered, her grin slowly fading.

I frowned before reaching forward and gripping one of her hands, "What's wrong? You love him, that's great Aria! Why do you look so sad?"

She sighed heavily, "Because I know that this will all just lead to a dead end Eliza. We have no future. All we have is right now."

I swallowed anxiously knowing that her words were true.

I couldn't help but think that Zayn and I had that same fate.

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