Chapter 4

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SO I am so sorry that it took so long for me to upload. Thank you all for being patient with me.

I hope you like this next part.

Its not edited!!!



Roland kicked open the door and walked into the living space where three pairs of eyes turned to stare at him. They shifted their gaze to the little blonde in his arms, who was currently sleeping and completely oblivious of the attention she was getting.

    Ignoring their stares, Roland went into the guest room and gently set the petite female onto the bed. He closed the door and went back to face the questions that were probably increasing as the seconds go by. He didn’t even set foot into the room before his sister starting bombarding him with her curiosity.

    “So who is that? Where did she come from? Is she going to stay? Oh my gosh am I getting a sister? I always wanted a little sister! We can play dress up and make cookies!!!” asked the only female in the room, her red locks bouncing up and down as she hopped around him, her excitement unnerving him a bit.

    “Ariana! Calm down and stop bouncing. You look like a damn bobble head.” Roland grounded out.

    Her blue eyes narrowing at his comment, before she huffed and went to sit down next to the brunette on the couch.

    “Fine, but answer my damn questions!” Ariana demanded, glaring at her brother.

    “Language!” Roland growled out, returning her glare.

    The brunette next to the redhead merely smirked at the sibling squabble, however, he was curious as to who the girl was. His brown eyes met the other male occupant in the room, the blonde leaning against the wall.

    “Tyrell!” Ariana yelled at the brunette.

    He turned his attention to her, “what?”

    “Aren’t you curious as to who the girl is too?”

    “Of course, but I’m merely waiting for your brother to answer, he seems a bit annoyed right now.”

    Roland growled out his agreement and took a deep breath before answering. “I don’t know who she is. I found her in the woods while I went out for my morning run. When I came upon her, she was half dead. You saw the blood, you smelled it too. I’m surprised she was even breathing from that cut on her side. Ariana, why don’t you go and help clean her up. See what you can do about that wound.”

    “Fine! I know when I’m not wanted.” But she didn’t sound as angry about it, instead concern was apparent on her face and she went to the blonde girl.

    When his sister was out of ear shot, he looked at the two males in the room.

    The blonde leaning on the wall broke the silence, “So, what are your thoughts on this problem?”

    “Throw her out. She’s blind, she won’t be much help in what we do. She can’t see, she probably won’t be anything more than a burden to us.  We barely have the money to accommodate the four of us. Tyrell your thoughts?” Roland glared at the brunette.

    “We can take her in and make her into our maid or something.” The brunette suggested, “Oliver what do you think we should do? Throw out the poor thing, or take her in?”

    “Its up to Roland, he’s right, we don’t have the money to take care of her.”

    “But really? We’ve been in tougher situations than this, she’s a little pup. Besides I think Ariana is getting tired of being the only girl in this group.”

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