Chapter 11

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Hey everyone! Here is the next part to the story, sorry I took forever to update! Its been a busy and hectic holiday.

Excuse my grammar and everything else lol.

But enjoy!!!

Picture of Jack on the side :)

Valerie didn’t sleep that night, she continuously tossed and turned on her bed and then finally gave up the notion of sleep. Exhaustion tugged at her to close her eyes but frustration and anger battled against that idea and fueled her wakefulness.

    She laid on the soft mattress in utter defeat and allowed her mind to wander to the argument she had earlier with Marcus. He was so damn stupid, he was so damn arrogant, he was so damn controlling. She just wanted to go back to her home to Ariana, Oliver, and Tyrell, especially back into the arms of Roland.

    She didn’t know what time it was, there was no window to hear the birds or feel any warmth, she was trapped in a stone cage. Yes, she can unlock the door to the living area that is Marcus’ domain, but she didn’t want to run into him. The only sanctuary she has at the moment was in the room right next to him.

    Knock. Knock.

    Never mind.

    “Catchman.” Marcus’ deep voice penetrated the wooden door. When he didn’t get an answer, he knocked on the doors again.

    “What?” She bit out, not caring that she sounded a bit grouchy.

    “Get out, I’m about to go on patrol, my second in command is here to watch you.” He said politely, however allowing a little tinge of authority in every word.

    “Whatever, I’ll be out in a few.”

    She heard his retreating footsteps and finally decided to get herself out of bed since it wasn’t like she was going to sleep anytime soon. She walked around the bed and maneuvered her way to the door, already having the layout of the room in her mind.

    Not having an extra pair of clothes because she thought it would have been over the night before, Valerie grimaced as she couldn’t change her clothes. She could smell the sweat clinging to the fabric and she scowled at the odor.

    Valerie unlocked the door and stepped into the living room area and quickly caught onto Marcus’ familiar scent and the musky smell of his second in command. She stood in front of her doorway and waited to be introduced.

    His second-in-command whistled under his breath and Valerie could mentally see him eyeing her figure with his damn lustful eyes.

    Marcus growled and that quickly shut the other male up. He turned his eyes towards the female in front of them and would have whistled too, she looked absolutely beautiful with her hair tousled wildly surrounding her heart shaped face, her lips just begging him to dominate them with his own. 

    “Jack, keep it in your pants. This is Miss Abigail Catchman.” He said gruffly, clearing his throat a few times to try and keep the lust out of his voice.

    “Wish they told me I would be in the company of such beauty.” Jack said, his eyes twinkling with mischief and lust.

    Valerie couldn’t see it but Marcus definitely could and he wanted nothing more than to tear Jack’s hazel eyes out and make him eat them.

    “Pleasure to meet you too. But you don’t have to go so far as to compliment me.” She said, smiling coyly and giving off a flirtatious vibe.

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